- Shakopee Public Schools
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Archived 2020/21 School Year Learning Plan Communications
May 7, 2021
Sent to all district families & staff on May 7, 2021
RE: School Health & Safety Updates
Dear Shakopee Public Schools Staff and Families,
On May 6, 2021, Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) announced changes to the required health and safety protocols in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. There were major changes in these protocols for the State of Minnesota. However, both the Governor and the Minnesota Department of Education were clear to point out that most of these changes do not impact schools in our State during the typical school day, or while riding school buses to and from school, for the remainder of this school year. During the typical school day, schools in the State of Minnesota will continue to follow MDE’s Safe Learning Plan through the end of the regular school year, which is June 10, 2021 in our district.
During the School Day
During the regular school day, the only real changes to COVID-19 health and safety protocols from now through the end of this school year are in regards to outside activities. Persons participating in activities outdoors like recess, Physical Education, track & field/activity days, lunch, etc. are no longer required to wear a face mask.
Events Held Outside the Regular School Day
Outside the regular school day, starting on May 28, there are significant changes for school related events, both indoors and outdoors. Participant and spectator limitations, that were created due to COVID-19 health and safety protocols, will no longer exist. Persons attending indoor events will still need to wear a face mask. Persons attending outdoor events with a crowd size greater than 500 persons will be required to wear a face mask.
From May 7 until May 28, there remain capacity limits for indoor, school related events, held outside the regular school day. Outdoor events held during this time period no longer have capacity limits. Here is a link to find specific information on the rules and capacity limits for this particular time period.
Current School Day Procedures that will Remain
During the regular school days through June 10, 2021, IHD students will continue to learn in-person, five days a week. They will also continue to adhere to the following COVID-19 health and safety protocols during the school day:
- Masks/face coverings are still required for students and staff while inside school buildings, except when eating or drinking during lunch.
- Social distancing of 6 feet or more, with a minimum of 3 feet or more, remains in effect for students and staff within the building.
- Close contact guidelines and contact tracing for exposure to a positive COVID-19 will continue at this time.
- Anyone exposed to someone who has tested positive (PCR test) for COVID-19 within 6 feet or less for 15 minutes or longer will still be considered a close contact and therefore required to quarantine. This includes in-school or out-of-school exposures. Persons who have been fully vaccinated are not required to quarantine when considered a close contact.
- The safest quarantine period is still 14 days since the first date of exposure. Shortened quarantine options are available to those who qualify. The Shakopee COVID nurse team will provide guidance on eligibility.
- COVID-19 health and safety protocols for students riding school buses are unchanged and will remain in effect through the end of the school year.
Custodians and staff will continue to disinfect and clean high touch surfaces in our school buildings throughout the day. The Pandemic Response Advisory Team (PRAT) will continue to monitor pandemic health and safety. Pandemic response information and data will continue to be posted on the district website.
Students should stay home if experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, and call your school to report the absence.
Shakopee Online is a year-long virtual program and will continue to run as normal.
We appreciate the continued support of students, staff and the community as we work together to end the school year on positive and safe notes!
March 23, 2021
RE: Secondary IHD Transition to In-Person Learning
Dear Shakopee IHD Secondary Families,
Per an action item approved (7-0) at the March 22 School Board business meeting, Shakopee secondary IHD students in grades 6-12 at East Middle School, West Middle School and Shakopee High School will transition into the in-person portion of the learning model per the below adjusted schedule.
Important Dates | Click here for the full district calendar
o March 26 | No school, all K-12 students including IHD and Shakopee Online
o April 1| End of third quarter
o April 2, 5-9 | Spring Break | No School for PreK-12 students; April 2 is a work day for staff
o April 12-15 | Secondary IHD students in hybrid learning model, standard A/B rotation; April 12 is an A day
o April 16 & 19 | No school, secondary IHD students only | Secondary IHD teacher planning/preparation days
o April 20 | All secondary IHD students return to in-person learning model, every day
Please note, Tokata Learning Center follows components of the IHD program, but has additional flexibility in providing services due to the unique nature of their programs. Therefore, their programming may not follow the above schedule.
Additional Secondary IHD Updates & Information
- School Start/End Time & Schedule
- Secondary IHD students will keep the same school start and end times as well as the daily class schedule they have been using during the hybrid learning model.
- East and West Middle Schools: 4 period block schedule; 7:45am - 1:55pm
- Shakopee High School: 4 period block schedule; 8:20am - 2:30pm
- Transportation
- Secondary IHD students will ride the same bus route (stop times and bus unchanged).
- Reminder details are available in parent portal.
- If your student(s) is eligible for transportation but presently does not take the bus and would like to, please fill out the opt-in transportation form that can be found here as soon as possible. Please allow 2-3 days for your bus request to be processed. If you have additional transportation questions, please contact Transportation@shakopee.k12.mn.us
- Meals
- Per the USDA extension, school meals will continue to be offered to ALL students free of charge, which includes onsite meals for secondary IHD students. Students and their families will not need to fund meal accounts.
- Questions? Please email Carol in Food Services at ctscheak@shakopee.k12.mn.us or call (952) 496-5141.
- Health & Safety
- The return to in-person learning means we need to maintain our diligence in keeping our school community safe. Click here for a COVID-19 reminder resource.
- Please remember to stay home if you experience any COVID-19 symptoms and call your school to report the absence.
- Mask wearing is required for students and staff. Physical distancing is expected when possible. Frequent hand washing is strongly recommended.
- Custodians and staff will continue to disinfect and clean high touch surfaces throughout the day.
- Future Communication
- Your student’s home secondary school will provide further details on programming, building resources/procedures and other day-to-day related items. Please continue to check your Canvas account and district email on file for updates.
- District and County COVID-19 data will continue to be posted on the district website along with weekly building wide COVID-19 courtesy communications sent every Wednesday.
Shakopee Online Reminder:
- Shakopee Online is a year-long virtual program separate from the IHD program. Students enrolled and participating in Shakopee Online are not included in transition/planning day schedule adjustments nor are the above details applicable.
March 3, 2021
Sent to all secondary IHD families & staff on March 3, 2021
RE: Secondary IHD Program to Transition to In-Person Learning
In their meeting yesterday (March 2), the Pandemic Response Advisory Team recommended that the Secondary IHD program transition from the hybrid learning model to the in-person learning model on Tuesday, April 13, 2021.
The Pandemic Response Advisory Team recommendation to shift the Secondary IHD program to the in-person learning model on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 will now go to the School Board for approval at their March 22 regular meeting. The secondary schools in the IHD program include East Middle School, West Middle School and Shakopee High School.
Additionally, there will be NO school for secondary IHD students on Monday, April 12, 2021. This day will be used as a preparation day for teachers to return to in-person learning.
Please note, Shakopee Online will continue to provide distance learning for K-12 students in their program.
NOTE: Tokata Learning Center has additional flexibility in providing learning services due to the unique nature of their programs.
Additional Secondary IHD Updates & Information
Important Dates | Click here for the full district calendar
April 2-11 | Spring Break | No School for K-12 Students
April 12 | No School for Secondary IHD Students | Teacher Transition Day
April 13 | All IHD secondary students return to school every day
In-school meals: Per a recent USDA extension, school meals will continue to be offered to ALL students free of charge, which includes onsite meals for secondary IHD students. Students and their families will not need to fund meal accounts.
A free and reduced meal form ( application for educational benefits) should still be on file for those families who qualify as funds are applied to additional areas outside of meals.
Questions? Please email Carol in Food Services at ctscheak@shakopee.k12.mn.us or call (952) 496-5141.
School Start/End Time & Schedule
Secondary IHD students will keep the same school start and end times as well as the daily class schedule they have been using during the hybrid learning model.
East and West Middle Schools: 4 period block schedule; 7:45am - 1:55pm
Shakopee High School: 4 period block schedule; 8:20am - 2:30pm
Secondary IHD students will ride the same bus route (stop times and bus unchanged)
Reminder details are available in parent portal.
Health and Safety
The return to in-person learning means we need to maintain our diligence in keeping our school community safe. This gives us the greatest opportunity to have all our students in our buildings each and every day.
Please remember to stay home if you experience any COVID-19 symptoms and call your school to report the absence.
Mask wearing is required. Physical distancing is expected when possible. Frequent hand washing is strongly recommended.
Custodians and staff will continue to disinfect and clean high touch surfaces throughout the day.
February 19, 2021
Sent to all secondary families & staff on February 19, 2021
RE: Important Change - Early Release on Monday, February 22
Dear Shakopee Public Schools Secondary Families,
The district continues to work through staff COVID-19 vaccine availability and priority guidance with Scott County and the Minnesota Department of Health. This morning we received new information that impacts secondary student schedules on Monday, February 22. 100 COVID-19 vaccines will be available for secondary staff in the afternoon on Monday, February 22. In order to accommodate secondary staff vaccine appointments, the following adjustments will occur on Monday, February 22 (‘A’ day):
- East & West Middle School IHD students will be released at 1:15 p.m. (normally 1:55 p.m.)
- Shakopee High School IHD students will be released at 1:45 p.m. (normally 2:30 p.m.)
- Additional adjustments may also be made to the daily schedule in order to accommodate this early release (i.e. adjusted block times, lunch time). Students and families will receive direct communication from the building, if applicable.
- End of day transportation routes will be adjusted to accommodate the early release.
- Tokata Learning Center will NOT be released early and therefore operate as normal on Monday, February 22.
- Shakopee Online secondary students may experience slight adjustments during their 4th block as some teachers also provide instruction in the secondary IHD program. A student’s teacher will relay any changes directly to the impacted class.
- The above adjustments ONLY apply on Monday, February 22. Secondary IHD classes will resume per the normal schedule on Tuesday, February 23 as a ‘B’ day.
Thank you for your flexibility and supporting our staff and community.
February 17, 2021
Sent to all IHD families & staff and Pearson Early Learning Center families on February 17, 2021
RE: COVID-19 Health Protocols
As a district, we understand schools do not operate in isolation from the greater community. In an effort to provide as much onsite learning opportunities for our students as possible, we want to continue to encourage persons in our community to make choices that follow the most current health safety protocols from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Our collective actions will help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and infections of students and staff within our schools, as well as the greater community.
In regards to students and staff attending or participating in onsite school and activities, please continue to:
- Take your (or your child’s) temperature daily prior to attending school/work.
- Protect yourself and others by wearing a face covering when at the school site; wash your hands often with soap and water; cover your cough and sneeze; and avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
- Stay home from school, work, child care and other activities when you feel ill.
- For reminders on COVID-19 symptoms and district health services resources, click on the appropriate student and staff IHD guide noted below.
- Follow health safety guidance from the MDH and CDC
- While our district will not require special travel notification, restrictions or attendance/absence travel management beyond the standard process, we ask that all staff and students please familiarize themselves with the most current guidance from the MDH and CDC as it relates to travel.
- For a summary of CDC travel guidelines, which includes recommendations on domestic and international travel COVID-19 testing and reduction of nonessential activities, please click here.
- The Minnesota Department of Education and MDH strongly recommend students and families in the hybrid or in-person learning model receive a COVID-19 test every two weeks. Shakopee Public Schools does not offer COVID-19 tests for students and their families. Families can find locations for free COVID-19 testing on the MDH’s website as well as Scott County’s website.
Thank you for working together to keep our schools and community safe.
COVID-19 Student Attendance Line Reminders
An IHD student who is attending school in-person or in the hybrid portion of the learning model should stay home and their parent/guardian contact the attendance line in the following situations:
- When a student has COVID-19 related symptoms (one more common symptom or at least two less common symptoms).
- When a family member in their immediate household has COVID-19 symptoms (one more common symptom or at least two less common symptoms) and/or is in the process of being tested OR has a positive COVID-19 PCR test.
February 4, 2021
Sent to Secondary IHD families & staff on February 4, 2021
RE: Secondary IHD Program Transition to Hybrid Learning
Per the action item approved at the January 25 School Board meeting, and the February 4 Pandemic Response Advisory Team meeting, Shakopee secondary IHD students in grades 6-12 at East Middle School, West Middle School and Shakopee High School will transition into the hybrid portion of the learning model per the below schedule.
- On February 16, all secondary IHD students in grades 6-12 will transition to hybrid learning.
- February 16 will be an ‘A’ day, onsite
- February 17 will be a ‘B’ day, onsite
- The A/B rotation will continue until a future change in learning model. An updated district calendar with secondary A/B day rotation can be found here.
- February 10 and 11 will be no school days for secondary IHD students only.
- These days will be used as planning/preparation days for secondary IHD staff.
- Previously scheduled no school days will not be changed.
- February 12 and 15 are district wide no school days for all PreK-12 students and remain unchanged.
Please note, Tokata Learning Center follows components of the IHD program, but has additional flexibility in providing services due to the unique nature of their programs. Therefore, their programming does not follow the above schedule.
Additional Secondary IHD Updates & New Information
The following video summarizes the information presented below: https://youtu.be/tCxzsqzGqno
- Secondary IHD Transition to Hybrid Learning: What to Expect and What’s Changed
- Click on the above link to view an important summary of secondary IHD staff/student updates including COVID-19 related procedures.
- A/B Rotation & Hybrid at Home Days
- Secondary students will keep the same 'A' or 'B' day designation that they were assigned in the beginning of the school year.
- Students and parents/guardians can access the A/B designation in Infinite Campus. Need help accessing Infinite Campus? Click here.
- Students will be given work during their in-school hybrid day to complete during their hybrid at home day. Work will also be posted in Canvas modules and the Canvas announcements section. The Canvas calendar will also reflect hybrid at home assignments.
- Parents/guardians have full accessibility in Canvas to check hybrid at home day assignments. Need help accessing Canvas? Click here.
- Students will mark themselves present in Infinite Campus during hybrid at home days. Teachers can provide support as needed.
- Meals
- In-school meals: Per a recent USDA extension, school meals will continue to be offered to ALL students free of charge, which includes onsite meals for secondary IHD students during hybrid learning. Students and their families will not need to fund meal accounts.
- A free and reduced meal form (application for educational benefits) should still be on file for those families who qualify as funds are applied to additional areas outside of meals.
- Weekly district meal pick up: The below important updates only apply to those secondary IHD families who have registered for weekly Tuesday meal pickup.
- The last day to pick up weekly district meals at your pre-selected location is Tuesday, February 9th. Starting the week of February 15th, secondary IHD students will take home meals during their in-school day for the hybrid at home day. Locations within the school for student meal collection vary by building.
- Note: Shakopee Online families that registered for weekly meals can continue to pick up each Tuesday. Additional details will be sent direct to those families.
- Questions? Please email Carol in Food Services at ctscheak@shakopee.k12.mn.us or call (952) 496-5141.
- School Start/End Time & Schedule
- Secondary IHD students will keep the same school start and end times as well as block schedule as the beginning of the school year.
- East and West Middle Schools: 4 period block schedule; 7:45am - 1:55pm
- Shakopee High School: 4 period block schedule: 8:20am - 2:30pm
- Transportation
- Secondary IHD students will ride the same bus route (stop, time and bus unchanged).
- Reminder details are available in parent portal.
- Winter Weather Notifications
- In cases of weather-related changes such as snow or cold weather concerns, the district will communicate any adjustments with staff and families in various ways.
- In the morning, if weather causes school to be canceled or delayed, the decision will be made by 5:30 a.m. Communication starts as soon as the decision is made. If there’s the need to make adjustments prior to that morning, communication will be sent no sooner than 24 hours prior to the start of school.
- Announcements will be shared with WCCO-TV and Shakopee Valley News, sent direct to parents via Infinite Campus (call, text and email), posted on district social media (Twitter and Facebook) and district/school websites.
- Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date in Infinite Campus or by contacting your home school.
- Additional information can be found here.
- Future Communication & Learning Plan Adjustments
- The district will continue to communicate any major updates to the secondary IHD transition to hybrid learning in a timely fashion. Your student’s home secondary school will provide further details on programming, building resources/procedures and other day-to-day related items. Please continue to check your Canvas account and district email on file for updates.
- As we have been, the district will continue to monitor COVID-19 building and Scott County data daily and during the weekly Pandemic Response Advisory Team meetings. Any transition from hybrid learning to distance or -in-person learning for secondary IHD students (grades 6-12) will be communicated at least ten (10) days prior to the intended transition date and include proper preparation days for teachers/staff.
- District and County COVID-19 case rates are posted on the district website daily.
Shakopee Online Reminder:
- Shakopee Online is a year-long virtual program separate from the IHD program. Students enrolled and participating in Shakopee Online are not included in transition/planning day schedule adjustments nor are the above details applicable. Please refer to the district calendar for Shakopee Online no school days.
January 28, 2021
Sent to Secondary IHD families & staff on January 28, 2021
RE: Secondary IHD Program to Remain in Distance Learning
During the January 28th Shakopee Public Schools Pandemic Response Advisory Team meeting, the latest Scott County COVID-19 case rate data was reviewed. As previously relayed, secondary schools in the IHD program (East Middle School, West Middle School, Shakopee High School and *Tokata Learning Center) will transition from distance to hybrid learning when the 14-day COVID-19 cases per 10,000 residents in Scott County falls below 25 and into the range of 15 to 25 cases. Unfortunately, the case rates have not yet fallen below 25 cases per 10,000. Thus, for the time being, the secondary IHD program will remain in distance learning. For a summary of Scott County COVID-19 case data, click here.
Next step
- The district’s Pandemic Response Advisory Team (PRAT) will meet again on Thursday, February 4, 2021 to examine the COVID-19 data and determine if secondary IHD will transition to hybrid learning on February 16.
*Please note, Tokata Learning Center follows components of the IHD program, but has additional flexibility in providing services due to the unique nature of their programs.
Why is the range from 15 up to 25 important?
Since the beginning of the school year, the Pandemic Response Advisory Team, School Board and district leaders have been using the rationale that ‘the cases per 10,000 data needs to stabilize in the middle of the new, lower range’ prior to making a transition from distance to hybrid learning (or hybrid to in-person). To give more clarity, in the current situation, the middle range for hybrid learning has been defined as being from 15 up to 25 cases per 10,000. Waiting for case numbers to drop into the middle of the lower range prior to making a learning model transition in the secondary IHD program is being done so the program doesn’t bounce back and forth between hybrid and distance learning models, if it can be prevented. The goal is to make this type of transition with a solid expectation our secondary IHD program will be able to safely stay in the new learning model for an extended period of time.
Important Future Secondary IHD Communication
- Friday, February 5: The district will communicate an update of the Pandemic Response Advisory Team meeting on February 4.
- Previous communications can be found here.
- Upcoming district no school days remain unchanged.
Please continue to work together as a community to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
January 26, 2021
Sent to Secondary IHD families & staff on January 26, 2021
Shakopee Public Schools Board Meeting Brief-- Secondary IHD Learning Plan
How will the determination be made for the Secondary IHD program transition from distance to hybrid learning?
Last night at the January 25, 2021 school board meeting, a recommendation from the Shakopee Public Schools Pandemic Response Advisory Team (PRAT) was approved for the determination of how to begin a learning model transition in the IHD program at East Middle School, West Middle School, Shakopee High School, and Tokata Learning Center. (Please note, Tokata follows components of the IHD program, but has additional flexibility in providing services due to the unique nature of their programs.)
Secondary schools in the IHD program will transition from distance to hybrid learning when the 14-day COVID-19 cases per 10,000 residents in Scott County enter a range from 15 to 25 cases. Case rates are determined by the tracking of initial confirmed COVID cases as reported daily by the Minnesota Department of Health.
Steps for this determination process are below:
- The district’s Pandemic Response Advisory Team (PRAT) meets on Thursday afternoons and examines the COVID-19 cases per 10,000 data for the preceding fourteen days.
- When the cases enter the range of 15 to 25 cases per 10,000, the learning model will change from distance learning to hybrid learning for all secondary IHD students.
- The transition will occur 10 days after the date of the Pandemic Response Advisory Team meeting.
- For example, if the case numbers are in the range of 15 to 25 at the Thursday, January 28 meeting of the Pandemic Response Advisory Team, then students in grades 6-12 will begin hybrid learning on Monday, February 8.
- Should the case numbers remain above the range of 15 to 25 at the January 28 PRAT meeting, no transition of learning models will be initiated. Case rates will then be examined at the next PRAT meeting on February 4, with a possible transition to hybrid learning for secondary students beginning on Tuesday, February 16 (due to the February 15 holiday).
- Should the cases per 10,000 data examined at the February 4 meeting still remain greater than 25 cases per 10,000, this same process will continue on successive weeks until the number is in the 15 to 25 range.
Additional Information
- A return to hybrid learning in the secondary schools IHD program means a return to the alternating A/B schedule, with one day onsite for one group of students followed by a second day offsite for the same group of students.
- An updated district calendar would be provided, with A/B rotation for secondary IHD students, once a formal hybrid transition date is announced.
- In accordance with the Governor’s executive order, there will be two planning/preparation days for teachers and staff prior to changing from distance learning to hybrid learning. The two transition days will be held on the two school days prior to the week before the start of hybrid learning. Transition days are no school days for only the students in grades 6-12 in the IHD program.
- For example:
- If February 8 is the first day of hybrid-- planning/preparation days for teachers would be February 4 and 5.
- If February 16 is the first day of hybrid-- planning/preparation days for teachers would be February 10 and 11 (February 12 is already a no school day for students).
- Students in the Shakopee Online program will remain in the same program.
- Students in grades K-5 IHD program will remain in-person.
Once the secondary schools in the IHD program are operating in hybrid learning, they will follow an updated structure for monitoring COVID-19 cases and determining future changes from hybrid to distance or in-person learning.
Important Future Secondary IHD Communication
- Friday, January 29: The district will communicate an update of the Pandemic Response Advisory Team meeting on January 28
No School Days
These are no school days on the school calendar that will not be altered by changes in the secondary IHD program:
- Friday, January 29, 2021: No school ALL PreK-12 students, including Shakopee Online, Shakopee IHD and Pearson Early Learning Center; end of second quarter
- Friday, February 12, 2021: No school, ALL PreK-12 students including Shakopee Online, Shakopee IHD and Pearson Early Learning Center
- Monday, February 15, 2021: No school, ALL PreK-12 students and staff (includes Pearson Early Learning Center); observance of Presidents Day
January 13, 2021
IHD Elementary Families,
As shared on January 5, 2021, the Shakopee Public Schools Board approved a recommendation from the Pandemic Response Advisory Team to adjust the elementary (K-5) IHD learning plan. Updated guidance from the State requires a rolling start that, as of now, follows the below schedule. Additional important updates are included in this message.
- Elementary IHD students in grades K-2 shift into the in-person learning model (five days per week, on site, regular school hours) on Monday, January 25, 2021.
- Elementary IHD students in grades 3-5 will remain in distance learning through Friday, February 5, 2021. They will shift to in-person learning (five days per week, on site, regular school hours) on Monday, February 8, 2021.
Additional Elementary IHD Updates & New Information
- COVID-19 Procedures & Protocol: What to Expect and What’s Changed
- Click on the above link to view an important summary of elementary IHD staff/student updates to:
- Face masks/coverings, social distancing, transportation and meal procedures
- Staff COVID-19 testing and general elementary COVID-19 communication
- Close contact quarantine period
- Click on the above link to view an important summary of elementary IHD staff/student updates to:
- Meals
- In-school meals: Per a recent USDA extension, school meals will continue to be offered to ALL students free of charge, which includes onsite meals for elementary IHD students during in-person learning. Students and their families will not need to fund meal accounts.
- A free and reduced meal form (application for educational benefits) should still be on file for those families who qualify as funds are applied to additional areas outside of meals.
- In-school meals: Per a recent USDA extension, school meals will continue to be offered to ALL students free of charge, which includes onsite meals for elementary IHD students during in-person learning. Students and their families will not need to fund meal accounts.
- Weekly district meal pick up: The below important updates only apply to those families who have registered for weekly Tuesday meal pickup.
- The last day to pick up weekly district meals at your pre-selected elementary location is Tuesday, January 19th. On Tuesday, January 26th, pickups that were designated for an elementary school will move to the below locations.
- Jackson meal pickups will move to Shakopee High School
- Red Oak and Eagle Creek meal pickups will move to East Middle School
- Sun Path and Sweeney meal pickups will move to West Middle School
- The last Tuesday meal pickup for registered elementary IHD students, regardless of selected pickup location, will be Tuesday, February 2, 2021. Meals will be provided during school as part of the normal five day in-person schedule. Families with children in the elementary IHD program AND other district schools that have previously signed up for weekly meals can still pick up for their early learning, Shakopee Online (K-12) and/or secondary children.
- Questions? Please email Carol in Food Services at ctscheak@shakopee.k12.mn.us or call (952) 496-5141.
- The last day to pick up weekly district meals at your pre-selected elementary location is Tuesday, January 19th. On Tuesday, January 26th, pickups that were designated for an elementary school will move to the below locations.
- School Start/End Time
- Jackson & Sun Path: 8:30am - 3:10pm
- Eagle Creek, Red Oak & Sweeney: 9:05am-3:45pm
- All elementary schools will start at their normal (pre-IHD) times, which is 1-hour earlier than during the fall hybrid learning period. School start/end times for elementary IHD in-person learning are noted below:
- Transportation Routes
- Bus routes are now available in the Infinite Campus parent portal, please login and review at your earliest convenience. Tips on how to navigate the parent portal can be found here.
- Those students with significant changes will receive a postcard that will be mailed on January 15, 2021.
- The majority of students will ride the same bus route (stop and bus unchanged), with morning pickup being one hour earlier than in the fall. Additionally, the majority of afternoon student routes will remain unchanged.
- River Valley YMCA School Aged Child Care
- Childcare for January 21 and 22 elementary IHD transition days will also be held at CFC.
- Childcare will continue for all students at Central Family Center (CFC) through January 22, 2021.
- Starting on January 25, 2021, before and after care will be offered at each elementary school for those students attending school in-person.
- 3rd-5th grade IHD students using YMCA care at CFC will continue to attend at that location through February 5, 2021.
- Starting on February 8, 2021, before and after care will only be offered at the elementary schools.
- Questions? Contact McKenzie Allard at 952-230-6661 or McKenzie.Allard@YMCAMN.org
- No School Reminders
- No school days are outlined in the most recent district calendar.
- Future Communication
- The district will continue to communicate any major updates to the elementary IHD transition to in-person learning in a timely fashion. Your student’s home elementary school will provide further details on programming, student schedules, building resources/procedures and other day-to-day related items. Please continue to check your SeeSaw account and district email on file for updates.
Shakopee Online & Pearson Early Learning Center Reminders:
- Shakopee Online is a year-long virtual program separate from the IHD program. Students enrolled and participating in Shakopee Online are not included in transition/planning day schedule adjustments nor are the above details applicable. Please refer to the district calendar for Shakopee Online no school days.
- Pearson Early Learning Center is not included in the elementary IHD program and operates on a separate schedule and programming calendar. Please contact Pearson Early Learning Center directly for any specific questions.
January 5, 2021
Posted on January 5, 2021
Shakopee Public Schools Board Post- Meeting Brief
At the January 4, 2021 school board meeting, which included newly sworn in members Mohamed Ibrahim and Jeff Smith, a recommendation from the Shakopee Public Schools Pandemic Response Advisory Team was approved for adjustments to the elementary (K-5) IHD learning plan. Background on Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Education’s previously announced changes to the Safe Learning Plan that led to the approved recommendation can be found here.
Elementary Schools
A summary of approved elementary updates are below.
- Elementary IHD students in grades K-2 will shift into the in-person learning model (five days per week on site) on Monday, January 25, 2021.
- Elementary IHD students in grades 3-5 will remain in distance learning until Friday, February 5, 2021. They will shift to in-person learning (five days per week) on Monday, February 8, 2021.
- School start times will be adjusted to those originally planned for the school year (which are an hour earlier than hybrid).
- Jackson & Sun Path: 8:30am - 3:10pm
- Eagle Creek, Red Oak & Sweeney: 9:05am-3:45pm
- Transportation: the majority of students will ride the same bus route (stop and bus unchanged), with morning pickup being one hour earlier. Additionally, the majority of afternoon student routes will remain unchanged.
- Full details will be available in parent portal and communicated directly to those with significant transportation changes the week of January 18.
Please note that the district and Pandemic Response Advisory Team will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that the above in-person start dates for elementary IHD students remain a safe and appropriate choice. Should the situation change, a recommendation may possibly be made to delay the start of in-person learning for elementary IHD students.
Secondary Schools
As previously noted during the December 18, 2020 Superintendent communication, Minnesota’s Safe Learning Plan did not contain changes for our secondary schools (East, West, High School, and Tokata). Therefore, in accordance with the rules of the Safe Learning Plan, our secondary schools will still be in distance learning at this time and are expected to continue in this model at least through January 15, 2021 and most likely through at least January 31, 2021.
As we have been, we will continue to monitor the situation and the Pandemic Response Advisory Team will evaluate at their weekly meeting. Any transition from distance learning to hybrid or -in-person for secondary IHD students (grades 6-12) will be communicated at least ten (10) days prior to the intended transition date and include proper preparation days for teachers/staff.
Pearson Early Learning Center
Please note that the Pearson Early Learning Center’s early childhood programs operate on a unique calendar. Communication regarding early childhood programs return to school and no school dates will be sent separately to families enrolled in Pearson Early Learning Center programs.
No School Days & Important Upcoming Dates
- Friday, January 15, 2021: No school, ALL K-12 students including Shakopee Online and IHD
- Monday, January 18, 2021: No school, ALL PreK-12 students and staff (includes Pearson Early Learning Center); observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Thursday, January 21 - Friday, January 22, 2021: No school for K-5 IHD students; transition planning days for elementary staff
- Secondary students (grades 6-12) and staff ARE in session
- Shakopee Online in grades K-12 ARE in session
- Monday, January 25, 2021: First day of in-person learning for ALL elementary IHD students in grades K-2
- Friday, January 29, 2021: No school ALL PreK-12 students, including Shakopee Online, Shakopee IHD and Pearson Early Learning Center; end of second quarter
- Monday, February 8, 2021: First day of in-person learning for ALL elementary IHD students in grades 3-5
- Friday, February 12, 2021: No school, ALL K-12 students including Shakopee Online and IHD
- Monday, February 15, 2021: No school, ALL PreK-12 students and staff (includes Pearson Early Learning Center); observance of Presidents Day
An updated district calendar can be found here.
Important Information to Follow
As we return to in-person learning for elementary students in the IHD program, there are new rules pertaining to mitigation and health safety protocols that will be employed by staff. There are also updates to transportation/busing routes, food services/student meals, YMCA school age child care and small group instruction. This information will be communicated in the coming days and week from both the district and elementary schools.
We are eager to continue to support our students in the safest way possible.
December 18, 2020
December 18, 2020
On Wednesday, Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Education announced changes to the Safe Learning Plan that provides the rules for how Minnesota public schools must operate in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes are minor for secondary schools. The changes are significant for elementary schools. In response to these changes, district leadership and the Pandemic Response Advisory Team have been working to update our plans based on these new rules. Even though the planning and decision-making is not complete for these new, updated plans, I’m communicating today in an attempt to keep our community as informed as possible in a timely manner.
Here is a summary of the key components of the new rules:
- School activities and athletics resume on January 4. Practices only for now.
- School facility rentals resume on January 4.
Secondary Schools
With the exception of some increased health and safety protocols, Minnesota’s Safe Learning Plan did not contain much in the way of changes for our secondary schools (East, West, High School, and Tokata). The secondary schools will continue to apply the same rules as previously for determining learning models in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In accordance with the rules of the Safe Learning Plan, our secondary schools will be in distance learning at least through January 15, and most likely through at least January 31. As we have been, we will continue to monitor the situation and the Pandemic Response Advisory Team will evaluate the situation at their weekly meeting.
Elementary Schools
The changes to the Safe Learning Plan for elementary schools are quite significant and very different from the rules used up to this point in time. In fact, the new protocols for elementary schools no longer employ the COVID-19 cases per 10,000 grid and the learning model expectations derived from the grid. The new rules incorporate research and guidance from medical experts that assign much less risk from COVID-19 to elementary students, especially when quality mitigation and health safety practices are universally employed within elementary schools.
Yesterday, the Minnesota School Boards Association shared the following statements from Governor Walz addressing some of the reasons for the changes to the State’s Safe Learning Plan:
Walz called the change for elementary schools a "monumental move" that was prompted by a deepening understanding of where and how the virus is circulating, the ways to minimize its spread — and a growing concern about the academic, social and emotional losses for kids and families when school buildings are closed. New safety rules will include the mandatory mask and face-shield wearing by school staff and the option for staff members to get COVID-19 tests at school every two weeks.
School, Walz said, "is the safest and best place for many of our children to be."
"And now we believe we have both the experience, the knowledge and the resources necessary to make that not only an emotionally and academically safe place, but a physically, health-wise safe place for those students to be," he said.
In response to the new rules for elementary schools, our district’s Pandemic Response Advisory Team is making a preliminary recommendation to the School Board. This recommendation will be an action item on the School Board’s January 4th meeting agenda. The reason the recommendation is preliminary at this time is to allow the Pandemic Response Advisory Team to continue to monitor the situation and consider possible updates to the recommendation between now and January 4th.
Preliminary Recommendation from the Pandemic Response Advisory Team
Shift students in grades K-2 in the IHD program in all of our elementary schools into the in-person learning model (five days per week on site) on January 25. In compliance with the ‘rolling start’ rules in the updated Safe Learning Plan, students in the IHD program in grades 3-5 remain in distance learning until they shift to in-person learning on February 8.
As outlined in the updated Safe Learning Plan, transition planning days for elementary staff (no school for students) will be held on January 21 and 22. This transition planning will be for elementary staff in grades K-5.
As we return to in-person learning for students in the IHD program in our elementary schools, there are new rules pertaining to mitigation and health safety protocols that will be employed by staff. In buildings where students are on site, as outlined in the updated Safe Learning Plan, staff will simultaneously wear both a face mask and a face shield. All staff in these buildings will also have access to free COVID-19 testing on site, offered once every two weeks.
As with the introduction of any new guidance and rules this remains a fluid situation. As we continue to plan and grow in our familiarity with the specific applications of the new rules, we will continue to update our communications with our school community.
Thank you for your continued support as our entire school district team works incredibly hard to maintain an appropriate balance between the health and safety of our students, staff and community AND providing the best learning opportunities possible for our students.
Mike Redmond, Ed. D.
December 16, 2020
Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Education announced changes to the Safe Learning Plan that provides the rules for how Minnesota public schools must operate in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes are minor for secondary schools, and significant for elementary schools.
As announced on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, following action by the School Board of the Shakopee Public Schools, students in grades K-12 in the IHD program will remain in Distance Learning through at least January 15. This statement is still accurate. In fact, the guidance and rules from the Minnesota Department of Education do not allow for changes in our district’s learning models in this program until after January 15.
As our district has done since March, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will study the new guidance over the next few days bringing collaborative voices, especially those of the Pandemic Response Advisory Team, into the process and create the plans for the next steps in this journey that will begin sometime after January 15.
Here is a link to the Minnesota Department of Education website where the updated Safe Learning Plan (pages 10-11, 15, 17-18) for the State of Minnesota can be found.
As things progress, we will continue to communicate in regards to district plans.
December 15, 2020
December 15, 2020
RE: Distance Learning & 2021 Early Release Updates
Dear Shakopee Public Schools K-12 Students and Families:
At the December 14, 2020 School Board meeting, by unanimous votes, the Board approved the following two important items:
- Earliest Return to School Date: Per a recommendation from the Pandemic Response Advisory Team, K-12 students in the IHD Program will be in distance learning through at least January 15. This date is the EARLIEST that K-12 students in the IHD Program would return to Hybrid learning, however, a formal date has not been set.
- The Pandemic Response Advisory Team will continue to monitor the situation between now and January 15 and provide further updates as warranted. More information would be shared on a formal learning model adjustment/return to school date based upon the Team’s updates.
- Early Release 2021 Dates Adjusted: A change from early release days to no school days for all students on January 15 and March 26, 2021 was also approved. This change is the same as the adjustment made to two early release days earlier this school year (2020).
Please note that the Pearson Early Learning Center’s early childhood programs operate on a unique calendar. Communication regarding early childhood programs return to school and release dates will be sent separately to families enrolled in Pearson Early Learning Center programs.
An updated district calendar will be posted to the district website by Friday, December 18, 2020.
November 15, 2020
November 15, 2020
RE: New accelerated transition from hybrid to distance learning
Dear Shakopee Public Schools Community:
As we’ve planned for and embarked on our unique journey that is the 2020-21 school year, our guiding focus has been working incredibly hard to balance the health and safety of our students, staff and community with the continuation of student learning in the best manner possible. This focus and the incredible efforts of many persons allowed us to start the school year on time in the hybrid learning model, and to provide as many days of onsite learning as possible in the A/B rotation since September 8.
The trajectory of the worsening of the number of COVID-19 cases in our area and their varied impacts on our ability to provide educational services to our students has continued to accelerate in recent days. This worsening trajectory has put many of our systems of operations-- staffing (including teachers), food service, ability to process/track possible COVID-19 cases, transportation, etc.-- under tremendous stress. Our ability to provide services grows increasingly tenuous by the day. Due to these conditions, we will be adjusting our timelines/plans for the transition from hybrid to distance learning. The changes are shown below:
Elementary Schools (Red Oak, Eagle Creek, Sun Path, Sweeney, Jackson)-- IHD Program
- Hybrid B-- onsite Monday, November 16
- Hybrid A-- onsite Tuesday, November 17
- No school for students November 18, 19 and 20 (staff preparation days for transition to distance learning)
- Distance learning begins Monday, November 23
Secondary Schools (East, West, Shakopee High School)-- IHD Program
- Hybrid B-- onsite Monday, November 16
- Hybrid A-- onsite Tuesday, November 17
- No school for students November 18, 19 and 20 (staff preparation days for transition to distance learning)
- Distance learning begins Monday, November 23
Tokata ALC
- Hybrid B-- onsite Monday, November 16
- Hybrid A-- onsite Tuesday, November 17
- No school for students November 18, 19 and 20 (staff preparation days for transition to future learning model)
- Onsite learning suspended from November 23 through December 22, 2020
Programs at Pearson Early Learning Center
- Onsite programs continue through Friday, November 20
- No school for students November 23, 24 and 30 (staff preparation days for transition to future learning models)
- Onsite learning suspended from December 1 through December 11
- More information on Pearson/YMCA child care will be shared on Monday with families
Note- In accordance with guidance from the Minnesota Department of Education, we are planning to bring prioritized individual students, and groups of students onsite, when practical, while we are in distance learning (and suspended onsite learning) in our IHD programs,
A copy of the adjusted district calendar can be found by clicking here. Updates and resources will continue to be provided as they come available.
As a reminder, Shakopee Online will continue to operate separately from the IHD model despite the IHD model moving into the distance learning model. The two share resources, but ultimately operate separately. An overview of their adjusted schedule communicated on November 11 is below.
Shakopee Online Program-- Grades K-12
- Online learning Monday, November 16
- Online learning Tuesday, November 17
- No school for students November 18, 19 and 20 (staff work days for adjustments/improvements to online learning)
- Online learning resumes Monday, November 23
COVID-19 Case Rate Data
A variety of inputs have been used as we’ve continued to monitor the situation in our district. In the opening of this letter reference was made to the increasing trajectory of COVID-19 cases impacting our ability to continue to operate and provide services within an appropriate balance between health and safety and student learning. Some of the key data points used in the decision to accelerate the shift to distance learning are shown below:
Reports of Possible COVID-19 Cases and Close Contacts for Shakopee Public Schools Staff & Students
- 10/12-10/18: 128
- 10/19-10/25 151
- 10/26-11/1: 220
- 11/2-11/8: 254
- 11/9-11/15: 436 (likely to increase as data for the weekend are incomplete)
Scott County COVID-19 Cases Per 10,000 Residents Report from the Minnesota Department of Health
Actual Report:
- November 12 MDH Report-10/18-10/31: 60.75
Estimated Reports:
- November 19 MDH Report-10/25-11/7: 93.39 (Scott County Department of Health calculation)
- November 26 MDH Report-11/1-11/14: 135.0 (Internal calculation based on MDH daily case data)
- December 3 MDH Report- 11/8-11/21: 163.7 (Internal calculation based on MDH daily case data)
Click here to view the running total of the positive COVID-19 Cases for Shakopee Public Schools Students and Staff. Please note when looking at the data that the number of cases for the most recent week typically increases during the following week. The dates used are those for when the case is first reported to Shakopee Public Schools. Oftentimes, testing doesn’t take place for a few days (target is 5-7 days after initial exposure) with results following a day or two afterwards.
Related Services
It is the intention of the River Valley YMCA and school district to continue to provide high quality care to all district school age students in grades K-5. Care will continue to be available to families enrolled in both Shakopee IHD and Shakopee Online programs at the Central Family Center. Please click here to learn more about this program.
Meal pickup will be offered to all district families. To learn more and sign up, please click here.
Transition from Distance Learning Back to Hybrid Learning (or In-person Learning)
Moving our K-12 schools from one form of learning model to another form of learning model requires significant adjustments to the ways we provide our services. As these changes take a great deal of effort and also create disruptions in scheduling for our families, we want to be careful not to move too often ‘back and forth’ between the models.
Estimates of COVID-19 cases for MDH weekly reports indicate numbers above the recommended thresholds for the November 19, 26, and December 3 reports. When moving our K-12 schools from Distance learning to Hybrid learning (or in-person learning) we want to make sure the new case numbers have stabilized within the lower range. The earliest we could receive such lower case number reports from MHD would now be December 10. Even if we were to receive this report on December 10, there would not be enough time to make a transition of learning models prior to winter break. This is the long way of stating, it is incredibly unlikely we will transition back to hybrid learning (or in-person learning) prior to the first of the year (January 2021).
I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to share my deepest appreciation for the continuing outstanding work being done by all members of the Shakopee Public Schools team. You show up each and every day to do your absolute best to protect the health and safety of our students, staff and community while also continuing to provide the best possible student learning. I would also be remiss if I didn’t also take a moment to share my appreciation for the tremendous efforts from our students and their parents and guardians to continue to make the best of a very challenging set of circumstances. Thank you.
Mike Redmond, Ed.D., Superintendent
Health Services Reporting
Dear IHD Distance & Pearson Early Learning Center Families,
While our teachers and building teams work to transition K-12 IHD students to the Distance 2.0+ learning model and adjust Pearson Early Learning Center programming, we are asking for your support in continuing to report illnesses, specifically positive COVID-19 results or COVID-19 related symptoms. The district will continue to track lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst students and staff alongside County and State related data while in the Distance model. We will continue to report such district-wide COVID-19 data on our district website.
Symptoms of COVID-19 & Who to Contact
Should your child/children in grades K-12 of the IHD Distance program and/or at Pearson Early Learning Center experience COVID-19 like symptoms OR receive a positive test result, please contact one of the following COVID Nurse’s as soon as you are able.
The COVID Nurse will track your case and also provide supporting resources and guidance alongside the Minnesota Department of Health and Scott County. The below information is also available on the district website under health services.
Distance Students, Grades: Preschool, K-5 (all elementary schools, includes Pearson Early Learning Center) COVID Nurse Contact: Tayla Hasch; thasch@shakopee.k12.mn.us 952.496.5962
Distance Students, Grades 6-12 (all secondary schools) COVID Nurse Contact: Julie Bocock; jbocock@shakopee.k12.mn.us 952.496.5154
Reminder that symptoms of COVID-19 can look like many other illnesses. The symptoms for children can look different than symptoms for adults. Many children have no symptoms at all and could infect others.
- More common COVID-19 symptoms: fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher; a new cough, or a cough that gets worse; difficulty or trouble breathing; and new loss of taste or smell.
- Less common COVID-19 symptoms: sore throat; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; chills; muscle pain; excessive fatigue (being very tired); a new or severe headache; and new nasal congestion or a runny nose.
If there is any other serious illness for your student other than COVID, please contact your building nurse.
Please note that due to full-time, at home school status of Shakopee Online students, COVID-19 cases or related symptoms do not need to be reported to your home school or above COVID Nurses. However, please note that the above COVID Nurses have extensive COVID-19 training and are able to provide resources to any district families that have questions or concerns.
Attendance During Distance Learning
As a reminder, IHD Distance students in grades 6-12 will mark themselves present in Infinite Campus during Distance learning; elementary students will be marked present by their teachers each day based upon:
- Participation in a group meeting (online meetings)
- Phone call or text message exchange between teacher and student or parent
- Accessed Seesaw during the day
- Completion of assignments
Should your child/children become ill due to COVID-19 or any other illness and is unable to participate in Distance Learning, please call in to the attendance line of your child’s home school at 952.496.5863 to report absence due to illness and work with your child’s teacher to manage learning needs.
Pearson Early Learning Center families can connect directly with the front office.
For a master directory of all K-12 attendance phone numbers within the district, please click here.
Family COVID-19 Communications
While Shakopee Public Schools is in Distance learning, only families that are considered close contacts to a lab confirmed positive COVID-19 case with school exposure will be notified. Building wide courtesy communications will not be sent during Distance learning.
COVID-19 Testing Resources
Scott County continually updates COVID-19 testing sites and related resources on their website.
The MN Department of Health is also promoting at-home COVID-19 saliva testing for any person who wants to be tested, with or without symptoms, at no cost. More information is available on the Minnesota Department of Health’s website, including information on how to order a test.
Continuing to Minimize the Spread of COVID-19
- Protect yourself and others by wearing a face covering when it is hard to stay 6 feet away from people; washing your hands often with soap and water; covering your cough and sneeze; and avoiding touching your face with unwashed hands.
- If you or your child/children are sick, stay home from work, child care and other activities.
- Be prepared in case you get sick and need to stay home. Keep enough food, regular prescription drugs, and other necessities on hand in case you need to stay home and are not able to go out easily.
- Frequently clean all commonly touched surfaces (e.g., telephones, doorknobs, countertops, etc.).
- If you are considered a close contact to a lab confirmed case of COVID-19, get tested yourself and receive a negative test result, continue to quarantine until the end of your exclusion period.
- Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website on how to care for yourself at home; see What to Do If You Are Sick.
Thank you for your support in keeping our community safe.
Shakopee Public Schools District Health Services Team
November 10, 2020
November 10, 2020
Dear Shakopee Public Schools Families,
Last week, we announced plans to transition our secondary schools (Shakopee High School, East and West Middle schools) IHD students to Distance learning on November 20, 2020 with the last day of Hybrid learning on November 16, 2020 (B day) or November 17, 2020 (A day). Last evening, we announced a similar change to transition our elementary schools (Red Oak, Eagle Creek, Sun Path, Jackson and Sweeney) to Distance learning on November 30, 2020.
With the continued increases in daily case numbers of COVID-19 in Scott County, Superintendent Mike Redmond called a special meeting of the Pandemic Response Advisory Team (PRAT) yesterday afternoon prior to the School Board work session. At the PRAT meeting, the plan for the secondary schools was revisited. The timeline/plan for secondary students in the IHD program remained unchanged from what was communicated last week.
Also at the PRAT meeting, in response to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases, and expected continuation of the higher level of such cases, a transition timeline/plan for elementary school students in the IHD program was created for the move from Hybrid to Distance learning.
The Shakopee Online (K-12) program will continue without changes. Programming at Tokata Learning Center and Pearson Early Learning Center will continue with various forms of onsite learning.
It is important to note the current situation is unlike the spring of 2020 when the Governor put in place a ‘stay at home order’ and a general closure of schools and their programming. The current situation allows for the continuation of some onsite services for students. These services will be provided for students with unique learning needs on a prioritized basis. More information will be forthcoming on these learning opportunities.
After careful consideration, the School Board voted 7-0 to continue high school activities and athletics.
Thanks to feedback from our students, parents and staff, the Distance learning, or “D” part of the IHD program, will look different than it did in the springtime. Many changes have been made since launching Distance learning 1.0 on very short notice this past spring. Distance learning 2.0+ , which will start in our secondary schools on November 20 and in our elementary schools on November 30, will provide students with instruction 5 days per week within a block schedule. Student schedules will include daily live online meetings, online self-paced learning and time for completion of assignments.
To view the sample schedule for each IHD Distance program click the appropriate link below or see the attachments.
- Elementary IHD in Distance learning sample student schedule
- Secondary - Middle School IHD in Distance learning student schedule
- Secondary - High School IHD in Distance learning student schedule
Additional district information that will be shared in the coming days includes:
- Food services meal distribution information
- School age child care information
- Additional resources and tools
Students and families will receive school specific information from their principal. Teachers will also send individual class communications prior to the start of Distance learning.
Moving from one form of learning model to another form of learning model requires significant adjustments to the ways we provide our services. Making these adjustments requires time for planning and preparation. As these changes take a great deal of effort and also create disruptions in scheduling for our families, we want to be careful not to move too often ‘back and forth’ between the models.
Estimates of COVID-19 cases for MDH weekly report indicate numbers above the recommended thresholds for the November 12, 19, and 26 reports. When moving to a less restrictive model (Ie. Distance to Hybrid) we want to do so in a deliberate and thoughtful manner, and make sure the new case numbers have stabilized within the lower range. The earliest we could receive such lower case number reports from MHD would be December 3 and 10. Even if we were to receive such reports, there would not be enough time to make the transition back to Hybrid learning prior to winter break. This is the long way of stating, it is very unlikely we will transition back to Hybrid prior to the first of the year (January 2021). Please note, if the situation worsens prior to the scheduled transition dates, it is possible the school district may transition to Distance learning even sooner than on the timeline below.
Shakopee IHD K-12 Transition Timeline
The below timeline includes a consolidation of elementary and secondary key dates. An updated partial year district calendar can also be accessed here.
- Nov. 13: No school for all students (Shakopee Online, Shakopee IHD, and Pearson Early Learning Center)
- Nov. 16: First day of second quarter
Last day of onsite Hybrid learning for secondary B day students, grades 6-12 (IHD program)
- Nov. 17: Last day of onsite Hybrid learning for secondary A day students, grades 6-12 (IHD program)
- Nov. 18: No school for IHD secondary students, grades 6-12 (transition work for secondary IHD staff )
- Nov. 19: No school for IHD secondary students, grades 6-12 (transition work for secondary IHD staff )
Last day of onsite Hybrid learning for elementary A day students, grades K-5 (IHD program)
- Nov. 20: Last day of onsite Hybrid learning for elementary B day students, grades K-5 (IHD program)
First day of Distance learning for secondary students, grades 6-12 (IHD program)
- Nov. 23: No school for IHD elementary students, grades K-5 (transition work for elementary IHD staff)
- Nov. 24: No school for IHD elementary students, grades K-5 (transition work for elementary IHD staff)
- Nov. 24: No school for IHD elementary students, grades K-5 (transition work for elementary IHD staff)
- Nov. 25-27: No school for all students (Thanksgiving break)
- Nov. 30: First day of Distance learning for elementary students, grades K-5 (IHD program)
To view the School Board work session agenda, please click here. A livestream recording of the Board’s work session can be found here.
No matter the learning model, it’s always a great day to be a Saber!
November 5, 2020
November 5, 2020
Dear Shakopee Public Schools Families,
This message is meant to be a very brief update, delivered shortly after making an important decision. A more detailed communication will be shared on Tuesday, November 10.
As I’m sure you’re aware, our district leaders and School Board have been working very hard to balance the health and safety of our students, staff and community with the continuation of student learning in the best manner possible. As part of this effort, we created the Pandemic Response Advisory Team (PRAT). This team includes students, parents, teachers, health services and other staff members and leaders. The PRAT meets every Thursday to study both external and internal data, and to provide recommendations to the superintendent and School Board regarding the continuation or changes to our learning models. Today’s meeting led to a very solemn recommendation.
We will be making a learning model change in spite of the terrific work within our secondary schools to follow health and safety protocols, resulting in COVID-19 case numbers lower than those of Scott County. With the Scott County COVID-19 case numbers being reported as 37.32 this week (for the time period of October 11-24), and the projections for next two weeks being significantly greater, and after the prescribed consultation with the Regional Support Team, (Minnesota Department of Health/Minnesota Department of Education/Scott County Health), it is now necessary to make a learning model change for our secondary schools (East, West, Shakopee High School, and Tokata) from Hybrid to Distance learning.
The timeline for this change for our secondary schools in the IHD program is below:
- Nov. 4: Required Regional Support Team meeting
- Nov. 5: Scott County Public Health meeting
- Pandemic Response Advisory Team meeting
- Initial district communication
- Nov. 6: No school for students grades K-12; Programs at Pearson are in session
- Nov. 9: School Board meeting
- Nov. 10: Detailed district communication
- Information and updates on the specifics of the Distance learning model
- Update on high school activities and athletics
- Nov 13: End of First Quarter; No school for all students in grades K-12, and no school for programs at Pearson
- Nov. 16: First day of second quarter - Hybrid B onsite
- Nov. 17: Second day of second quarter - Hybrid A onsite
- Nov. 18 - 19: Transition planning for secondary teachers and staff, no school for grades 6-12
- Shakopee Online, Elementary Schools, and programs at Pearson will be in session
- Nov. 20: Distance learning begins for all secondary students in grades 6-12 (IHD program)
I sincerely wish our secondary students could continue in Hybrid learning. Our students and staff have done a tremendous job in this learning model. Unfortunately, this is not an option starting November 20. Thank you for your continued support and understanding. Even though this isn’t the kind of news I enjoy sharing, today, as every day, is still a great day to be a Saber.
Mike Redmond, Ed.D.
Superintendent, Shakopee Public Schools
September 1, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Late this afternoon, we expect the general education bus routes for Shakopee IHD – Hybrid students to be available in the parent portal via Infinite Campus.
Information on transportation for students receiving special services will be mailed on Wednesday, September 2.
Shakopee IHD – Hybrid families that do not receive transportation information by this Friday, September 4 are encouraged to call Palmer Bus Services in Shakopee at (952) 445-1166. We appreciate your patience as our busing partner works to ensure safe, timely and efficient routes.
Don’t know how to log into your parent portal? Click here for more information.In your parent portal and not sure where to find transportation information? Click here for that information.
August 25, 2020
At the August 10, 2020 meeting, the School Board unanimously approved a resolution stating the district will operate learning models in accordance with the number of new COVID-19 cases reported in Scott County over a two week period, as long as the case number data is stable and reliable, as outlined in a table created by the Minnesota Department of Health.
Last night, Monday, August 24, at the Shakopee School Board business meeting, the back-to-school learning model plans were made official and finalized. The school board reviewed the:- Most recently available data from the Minnesota Department of Health,
- Advice from the district Pandemic Response Advisory Team,
- Overall district readiness AND
- Opening options for the 2020-21 school year
Based upon district review, with no alternative motions presented, the school board decided that students enrolled in the Shakopee-IHD program will start the 20-21 school year in the Hybrid, or “H” portion of the model.
Our elementary students, grades K-5, will start school on Thursday, September 10th. This includes both Hybrid and Shakopee Online students.September 8th and 9th will be used for Connect and Assess activities in grades K-5.
Our secondary students, grades 6-12, will start on Tuesday, September 8th.
Secondary school days will also be shortened by 30 minutes. East and West middle schools will now start at 7:45am and end at 1:55pm. The high school will start at 8:20am and end at 2:30pm. Tokata Learning Center hours are unchanged. This will allow for a ‘deep cleaning’ and disinfecting of school buses between each transportation tier.
We encourage parents and guardians, as well as students, to review a brief informational video on our website that further outlines the Hybrid model and describes the A/B in-person rotation for all grades. Click here to view the video for elementary students (1-5). Click here to view the video for secondary students (6-12).
A district communication will be sent later this week on student A/B rotations.
Additional individual school communication regarding teacher/class assignment, meals, transportation, school supply lists, safety, Lifetouch school pictures and other important back to school details will be sent by your home school this week and into next. Our teams are working diligently to get this information out as soon as possible.
We will continue to monitor school safety and data from the Minnesota Department of Health to ensure the Hybrid model continues to be the best option for the district. Should conditions change, we will proactively communicate to district families prior to any adjustments.
Our dedicated teachers and support staff have been working tirelessly to ensure a safe and supportive environment, both in the classroom and online. We appreciate the trust and support provided by our district families. We will continue to thrive and learn, and become stronger, together. -
August 18, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We’re sharing this communication today in an attempt to provide a pandemic response plan that includes the general details for the 2020-21 school year. This communication is meant to be district-wide in nature and provide an additional layer of information that relates to the Shakopee IHD and Shakopee Online programs as well as health, safety and operations protocol.
In the coming days and weeks, the primary communication on 2020-21 school year details will be sent from our school buildings, similar to what is done in a typical school year.
We hope that this guide will help answer questions and continue to keep our parents/guardians informed and empowered. While we are no doubt operating in challenging times, we will continue to thrive and learn, becoming stronger, together. -
July 30, 2020
Parent Communication Sent July 30, 2020
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Today, we learned from MDE and Governor Walz the parameters and rules for the return to school. They have created a localized approach using county-by-county metrics for the appropriate school setting dependent on COVID-19 pandemic case data.
The primary guidance focuses on the model of learning permitted as determined by a two week measure of COVID-19 cases. More details on that guidance can be found here.
As of today, school districts in Scott County have a rate of 20.99. Here is a link to this data: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/stats/wschool.pdf. Please note, we will receive updated data as we move closer to the start of the school year that may move our district to a different learning model category.
Since June, as directed by the Minnesota Department of Education, numerous teams composed of teachers, principals, and district personnel have been preparing for three school scenarios: In-person, Hybrid and Distance learning. Each of the three forms of learning could be used in response to various conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are now referring to this as Shakopee School-IHD, and it is one of the two options students can select for this school year.
In an effort to better serve those students who desire to learn only in an online format this school year, our teams also created an option called Shakopee Online. Shakopee Online, available to students in grades K-12, is the second of two options available to students for this school year.
The Governor’s announcement and directives given today by the Minnesota Department of Education are setting up the parameters and rules for school district operation this school year. These rules and parameters are greatly influenced by the Minnesota Department of Health. We are sharing a great deal of information today about our plans for the school year, especially the two learning options-- Shakopee School IHD or Shakopee Online-- with staff, and with students and their parents. It will take additional time to absorb the details of the directives given by the Governor and MDE, so please be aware that some details of our plans remain to be finalized or could change to comply with these directives.
Plan highlights
Today, we are asking parents and students to make a program choice and pick either Shakopee School-IHD or Shakopee Online for each student for this school year. Shakopee School-IHD is designed to change in relation to pandemic conditions and students are assigned to their regular schools. The Shakopee Online program is designed to accommodate students and families who do not want to return on site to their school and attend school only online. The choice of either option is for the entire 2020-21 school year. A separate choice can be made for individual students within a family or household.
The deadline for making this program choice is 4 p.m. on Wednesday, August 5. The quick turn around to collect this information for each student allows us to schedule, staff, and finalize plans for each of our students to start the year.
Shakopee School - IHD
The ‘IHD’ in Shakopee- IHD stands for:
I = In-person learningH = Hybrid learning
D = Distance learning
The term IHD is used to indicate this program may shift from one type of learning to another in response to the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students in Shakopee School- HD will attend their regular schools when the conditions allow for Hybrid or In-person learning. Students in Shakopee School-IHD will work from home when the pandemic conditions dictate we are in Distance learning. It is likely a student may shift from one form to another form of learning throughout the school year.
When in the ‘H’, Hybrid part of Shakopee School-IHD, strict guidelines for health and safety will be followed each day to keep all students safe including social distancing, wearing face masks, modified class schedules and lunch periods to limit contact, changes in hallway travel routes, increased fresh air exchange, enhanced cleaning and disinfection, plexiglass barriers, and more.
Students will:
- Rotate between attending school and distance learning every other day on an A-Day/B-Day rotation. The A/B rotation will be based on household so all children within a family will be placed on the same schedule.
- Elementary schools will begin one hour later than their normal start times to allow for condensed scheduling. This also minimizes the number of student transitions throughout the day.
- Specialists (media, art, music and physical education) will provide instruction for students on distance learning days.
- The Middle School schedule has been altered from a seven period day to a four period day, or block schedule. This change reduces the amount of student movement by having fewer transitions within the day. It also reduces the number of different groups of students and the number of courses to manage at one time from seven to four. The schedule change will also make it easier for students to move between the different formats (I, H, and D) of instruction in response to pandemic conditions.
- Kindergarten students will attend on site every day.
- Some students in need of intervention, receiving English Learner (EL) services, or receiving Special Education services may attend additional days on site.
- In alignment with our current understanding of the rules as set by MDE and MDH, most classrooms in our district will support no more than 16 students at any one time while in Hybrid.
When in the ‘D’, Distance learning 2.0 part of Shakopee- IHD, students will work from home.
- Students will now receive daily, live interaction with their teacher and classmates.
- Additional synchronous (live) learning sessions may be offered to students who are English Learners, Special Education, or unique learners who may need more support to be successful in a distance learning environment.
- If the rules set by the Governor and MDE allow, there may be opportunities for unique learners to participate on site in a limited fashion while in Distance format.
A move to the ‘I’, In-person learning, would be a return to all students on site every day. Dependent on the state of the pandemic, certain health and safety cautions may be modified, others may remain in place.
In an effort to best serve students choosing Shakopee Online, will offer students an opportunity to participate online only for the 2020-21 school year.
Shakopee Online will seek to have as many staff as possible dedicated solely to providing services in this program.
- Many courses will be taught by Shakopee teachers who will shift from their previous assignments to serving in Shakopee Online.
- Live instruction with interactive feedback will be employed whenever possible.
Course offerings will be robust, but will not necessarily match those available at school.
Students choosing Shakopee Online can expect to engage in interesting, rigorous coursework with timely feedback and assistance from teachers.
Students will be able to personalize work time to fit individual needs.
Support services (Special Education, 504 supports, EL) will be available to students in this program.
Thank you so much for your patience, understanding and partnership as we work together to have a successful school year for all our students. I can promise you that the district is working diligently to plan and execute these plans in the best way possible while keeping the safety of our students and staff our number one priority. We all want our students to be back at school and we can’t wait for the day we are all back together again. For now, we will do the best we can to learn together and we will be stronger working together.
Mike Redmond