Back to School 2023

Welcome Back!

Dear Tokata Learning Center Families:

Welcome to the 2023/24 school year! A special welcome to all of our new students.  We have over twenty-five new students joining our TLC family this fall!

The TLC mission is to facilitate  high quality learning within  a school community where…

Stories matter

Vulnerability is invited

Barriers are challenged

Strengths are discovered

and students are celebrated

We recognize that the journey to a high school diploma for many students is not a straight path.   With the support of a well-trained staff, in a small, welcoming learning environment rich with self-directed learning options,  TLC programming is designed to empower students to become independent, respectful, and responsible learners on their journey towards graduation.   

Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss any concerns, suggestions or ideas you have to make this coming school year a great one!

All the Best, 

Eric Serbus, TLC Principal