
2025-26 Registration


The 2025-26 course registration guide is now live and one tool to use in planning for the upcoming school year. In addition to the course descriptions offered, school counselors and teachers are available for guidance during this important process.

As students and families begin to review registration information, we suggest focusing on the following questions:

  • What are the courses that I need to take in order to assure that I continue to make progress toward fulfilling the school district’s graduation requirements?
  • What courses should I take to best prepare for my future?
  • What courses align with my areas of interest?

Sixth-grade students transition from the elementary model of education; where they have a primary teacher most of the day, to the secondary model, where they generally have a different teacher for each class. Students’ schedules are mostly set, but there are opportunities to join band and/or choir or music production.

Additionally, students can register for Accelerated Reading/Language Arts, and/or Pre-Algebra (single accelerated math) or Algebra 1 (double accelerated math).

Seventh and eighth-grade students can elect to enroll in Accelerated English and/or Accelerated Science. Students are offered more choices to explore through elective classes as they prepare to enter the Academies of Shakopee at Shakopee High School.

Before registration, we encourage families to decide on a schedule of courses for the next school year. Registration selection will help our team make critical decisions regarding staffing, room use and overall student support.

We look forward to ensuring every student reaches their greatest potential and are here to answer any questions along the way!