Show up for work on your scheduled days at the appropriate time (keep your schedule in a safe place)
Act appropriately as a leader
Dress appropriately for the weather (hats, gloves, and boots required in the winter)
Be a role model at school (the younger students look up to you)
Communicate with Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Bohn, and the captains with questions or concerns
Consequences for breaking the rules:
1st offense = verbal warning
2nd offense = suspended for a day
3rd offense = suspended for a week
4th offense = suspended from school patrol for the rest of the year
Arrival Time:
A.M. Patrols – arrive at school by 8:35. You will patrol at your corner from 8:40-9:00. Captains have the final say in which corner you will be stationed at.
P.M. Patrols – leave your classroom at 3:35. You will patrol from 3:45-4:00. Captains have the final say in which patrol job you will do for the day.
If you are going to be absent:
You need to contact Mrs. Hanson to let me know you will be absent so that we can find a sub for you.
Mrs. Hanson
952.496.5832 ext. 6955