Tokata Learning Center

Dedicated to excellence in education

    • The TLC mission is to facilitate  high quality learning within  a school community where…Stories matter, vulnerability is invited, barriers are challenged, strengths are discovered and students are celebrated.

      Office hours are 7:30AM - 3:30PM.  Please contact Silvia at 952-496-5981 for information or questions.

Safe Schools. Safe Communities.


  • The TLC mission is to facilitate  high quality learning within  a school community where…

    Stories matter

    Vulnerability is invited

    Barriers are challenged

    Strengths are discovered and students are celebrated

    We recognize that the journey to a high school diploma for many students is not a straight path. With the support of a well-trained staff, in a small, welcoming learning environment rich with self-directed learning options, TLC programming is designed to empower students to become independent, respectful, and responsible learners on their journey towards graduation.   

    All the Best, 

    Eric Serbus, TLC Principal

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