- Shakopee Public Schools
- Volunteering & Donations
Volunteering & Donations
Shakopee Public Schools welcomes volunteers of all ages who want to share their talents, skills, time and resources to help support our teachers, students and programs. Volunteers play an important role in the success of our students. Our students and staff gain insight and fresh perspectives from volunteers.
Some ways you can volunteer include:
- Read to students
- Work with students on math, reading or writing skills
- Work with a teacher on classroom prep work (sorting, stapling, cutting, etc.)
- Serve on the PTO or help with a PTO event
- Junior Achievement
- Workroom (laminating, copies, cutting, stapling, etc)
- Take home projects
- Picture days
- Field trips
- Book fairs
- Classroom parties
- Business partnerships
- District committees
All volunteers working in a building or with students or staff must first complete an application and go through a background check.
Volunteer Program Contacts
District Volunteer Program Supervisor: Melissa Sibinski - msibinski@shakopee.k12.mn.us, 945.496.5048
Program Coordinators:
Pearson Early Learning Center: Elaine Mckenzie-Berens eberens@shakopee.k12.mn.us
Eagle Creek Elementary: Chakela Anderson canderson@shakopee.k12.mn.us
Jackson Elementary: Donna Richards drichards@shakopee.k12.mn.us
Red Oak Elementary: Jessica Schmidt jschmidt@shakopee.k12.mn.us
Sun Path Elementary: Janis Majerus jmajerus@shakopee.k12.mn.us
Sweeney Elementary: Melissa SIbinksi msibinski@shakopee.k12.mn
East Middle School: Angela Misgen amisgen@shakopee.k12.mn.us
West Middle School: Nomi Chial nchial@shakopee.k12.mn.us
High School: Elizabeth Duehr (business partners) eduehr@shakopee.k12.mn.us
- Other inquiries can be directed to the front office
Tokata Learning Center: See front office
Volunteer Guidelines
General Volunteer Guidelines
Updated November 18, 2024
Shakopee Public Schools is uniquely situated in a vibrant community with various business partners and generous community members. Large donation requests or inquires outside of general classroom support or elementary PTO activities can be directed to the below contact.
Tiffany Olson - tolson@shakopee.k12.mn.us or by phone at 952.496.5991.
All donations are also be reported to the School Board.