Jackson Elementary

Dedicated to excellence in education

  • School Hours - 9:05am - 3:45pm   Main Office - 952.496.5802 Attendance Line - 952.496.5803



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Kindergarten in Shakopee

Meet Principal Kevin Bjerken


  • Dear Jackson Families,

    As you are aware, due to extreme cold, school for students has been cancelled tomorrow, February 18th.  However, parent/teacher conferences tomorrow evening, February 18th, will continue as scheduled.  If you are unable at attend, please reach out to your child’s teacher directly to reschedule.  You may also contact your teachers directly to meet virtually, if you prefer.  


    Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening as scheduled.

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  • Yearbooks are $18.  Order Link is: ybpay.com

    Yearbook Code is:  15118125

    Deadline is April 20, 2025.  Please keep your receipt as a reminder of your order.  Thank you.

    Yearbook Flyer

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Safe Schools. Safe Communities.