Red Oak Elementary

Dedicated to excellence in education

  • School Hours - 9:05am - 3:45pm   Main Office - 952.496.5952 Attendance Line - 952.496.5953


Meet Red Oak Principal, Mrs. Ellis

Kindergarten in Shakopee


  • Dear Red Oak Elementary Families,

    My name is Krysten Ellis and I have the privilege of being the principal at Red Oak Elementary! I am truly honored to serve as the Principal of Red Oak  Elementary.  Thank you for partnering with us and trusting us with your child’s education. 


    Krysten Ellis, Red Oak  Elementary School Principal   952.496.5952

    Teachers & School Support 

    Jenny Post will serve as the Dean of Students for the 2024-25 school year! Additional support team members can be found on our school website.   

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Safe Schools. Safe Communities.