Circulation Policies

  • Students are encouraged to check out at least one book at their reading level. We strive to teach students to be independent reading consumers and encourage students to make appropriate choices. Please keep in mind that we provide literature and learning materials that represent a diversity of experiences, opinions and social and cultural perspectives as well as a wide range of subjects and reading levels. If you are uncomfortable with the reading level or content of the books your child is bringing home to read, please discuss this with your child, and let him/her know your expectations.   
    Book Checkout
    Students are able to checkout books with their class during their scheduled class book check out time and/or during Media class time, depending on the grade level. Students may individually come to the Learning Commons for book checkout but must check with their teacher first.
    Check Out Period: The check out period is 10 days.

    Amout of Books Checked Out at One Time
        Kindergarten: 1 book
        2-5th grade: 3 books

    *As research projects come up, students are allowed to check out more books if needed.

    Book Check Out Restrictions
    Some materials have restrictions on their check-out period or quantity and the students are informed of this. (e.g. only 1 from a series, reference materials, etc.)

    Book Returns Procedure
    When students are finished with their library book, we ask that they return it as they finish, and not wait until their next check out time. This makes the books available for others to read and keeps the books circulating instead of waiting in a desk or backpack.  Each classroom has a basket that students put their book returns in.  A student is assigned the task of returning the books to the library every morning or after school. Students can also just drop their books off at the library when they are finished with them.
    Renewing Books
    Students may renew a book up to three times as long as no one is waiting for it. The book must be physically returned to renew it. Students are asked to place a renewal note in or on the book with their name on it, and place it in the classroom return basket.  It will be renewed and students can pick up their renewed books that day or at check out.  Students can also renew books at the open library times.
    Overdue Books
    Student are not fined for overdue materials. However, check out privileges will be suspended until the book or books are returned.  When a book has been overdue for a period of 4 weeks or more, it is considered lost and the book(s) are deleted from our system.  We alert students at each check out time if they have any overdue materials.  The teachers are also informed.  As well as verbal reminders, weekly emails are sent home.

    Lost or Damaged Books
    We do not charge or penalize students for lost or damaged books. We do accept non-refundable donations to help cover the cost of replacing lost materials.

    Book Care
    Reading is more enjoyable and pleasant when we have a lot of variety to choose from, the books are easily available, and the books are in good condition.   Out of respect for all readers, please help your child be a responsible book borrower by taking good care of their books and returning them on time.