PACE Literacy Program

  • The PACE (Parent, Adult, Child, Education) Family Literacy Program is a unique opportunity that combines:

    • Adult English language learning
    • Parent education and support
    • Early education for children birth thru four years of age
    • Parent and child interaction

    Transportation may be provided for families who do not have any transportation. Space is limited. Lunch is provided for children. All families need to qualify for this program based on the following admission requirements:

    • Parent/guardian qualifies for English language education
    • Children are birth thru age four and qualify because their primary language is not English
    • Family qualifies for free and/or reduced school lunch program

    For additional information, contact Pearson Early Learning Center at 952.496.5866.

    Class days: M-TH
    Time of class: 12:30-3:30 pm
    Location: Pearson Early Learning Center, 917 Dakota St S.

Featured Students.

  • Marianna moved to the United States from Mexico in 2013. She and her two sons have learned English through the PACE (Parent, Adult, Child Education) Program with SouthWest Metro's Adult Basic Education. 

    Nadire has lived in the United States for 8 years and enjoys that she and her two children can learn English together through the PACE (Parent, Adult, Child Education) Program.

    Visit for more information about our Adult Basic Education English Language programs, including Family Literacy and PACE - Parent And Child Education, in partnership with Shakopee Public Schools.