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Programs & Services
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
School readiness begins at birth. Our mission is to offer information and support to families to succeed throughout all ages of their child's life, especially birth through age 5. Join us for an activity or class - click here to learn more.
Stepping Stones Preschool
Stepping Stones Preschool is a unique, exciting program for children between the ages of 3-5. All programs are located at Pearson Early Learning Center with research-based early learning standards developed by the Minnesota Department of Education, a 4-star Parent Aware designation and certified, passionate educators. Saber cubs truly thrive in a nurturing environment. Plus, the curriculum is intentionally aligned with Shakopee Schools kindergarten programming. Various pricing and attendance options are available. Click here to learn more.
Parent, Adult, Child and Education (PACE) Literacy Program
The PACE Literacy Program is a unique opportunity that combines:
- Adult basic english lanugage learning;
- Parent education and support;
- Early education for children from birth to age 4; and
- Parent and child interaction in a dvelopmental learning environment
Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Our team provides a full continum of services for children from birth through 5 years. Services for eligible children from birth to age 3 are provided in the home and the center based classroom is an integrated program for 3-4 year olds with various needs. An assessment can help best identify the proper support for cognitive, speech/language, motor, self-help and social/emotional development needs.
Free Early Childhood Screening
Is your child between the ages of 3-4? Then it's time for an early childhood screening! Pearson Early Learning Center offers FREE early childhood screenings to any child within the noted age range, regardless of their home school district. The screening is required to enter Kindergarten and helps help better identify development and learning needs including hearing, vision, communication, social and motor skills. Click here to learn more.
Parent Resources & Involvement
Check out the Parent/Student tab to find parenting resources and Ready for Kindergarten child activities.