Counseling Department
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Counseling Department
The mission of the Shakopee Schools Counseling Program is to provide all students with a comprehensive school counseling program that encourages the highest level of student achievement through their growth in academic, college/career and personal/social domains. As school counselors, we’re here to help your child be successful in school, and we do so by supporting your child’s academic, social/ emotional and college/career development. To meet these needs, we teach lessons in your child’s classes, facilitate small groups and meet individually to provide brief, solution-focused counseling and interventions. We provide a safe, non-judgmental space to process various needs.


Amy Spaeth
Last Name (M - Z)
Services & Support
Academic Development
- Grade checks
- Individual plan and goal setting
- Organization and time management skills
- Study Skills
- Academic resources
- Registration and scheduling
- Intervention planning
Social/Emotional Development- Anxiety
- Anger
- Self-esteem/self-image
- Sadness
- Grief / loss
- Stress management
- Peer and family relationships
- Equity, identity and culture
- Basic needs and resources
- Individual safety
College/Career Development- School-wide Connect to College & Career activities once a month in Advisory
- Career exposure and exploration
- College exposure and exploration
- Post-secondary preparation
- Resume building