Community Funds Working for Our Students

  • When voters approved the November 2021 operating levy, Shakopee Public Schools was able to take a large financial step forward. While the district’s financial situation for the current school year has not changed, all forms of operating revenues including federal and state funding, operating levy and one-time funding (I.e. pandemic response funds) will help build an improved, well-constructed and ongoing financial reality. Take a look at the latest update of how the operating levy funds are working for you, the community and taxpayers of Shakopee Public Schools. 

    "This year (2022/23) is very different as many of our new teachers have been hired because our community, by an almost two to one margin, passed both operating levy questions in November 2021. As was stated many times prior to the operating levy election, if the levy was approved by the voters, then the district would restore the class sizes that existed prior to last school year. That is exactly what is being done for this school year and future school years."

    All actions noted started in the 2022/23 school year as funds were not available until July 1, 2022. 

Spring 2022 Newsletter Spotlight

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