- Shakopee Public Schools
- Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my child is eligible for transportation?
- Elementary students in grades K-5 who live .5 mile or more from their assigned school are eligible for transportation.
- Middle School students in grades 6-8 who live 1 mile or more from their assigned school are eligible for transportation.
- High School students in grades 9-12 who live 1.5 miles or more from their assigned school are eligible for transportation.
- Select Pearson Early Learning Center programs have a transportation option - please contact the school for the latest information and schedule.
- Tokata Learning Center families, please contact the school for more information.
What is the distance to each bus stop?
- Students in grades K-5 may be required to walk up to .25 of a mile to their assigned bus stop.
- Students in grades 6-12 may be required to walk up to .50 of a mile to their assigned bus stop.
What if I would like my student's bus stop changed?
The Transportation Department is happy to consider your request, however, most bus stops are established for a reason and will not be changed. Very rarely will Palmer Bus consider house stops in suburban neighborhoods. It is not possible to provide bus stops that are within sight of all student homes or daycares. Most families that live even one house from the corner cannot see the corner bus stop without coming out of their homes. We encourage parents to be out at bus stops to promote proper pedestrian and bus stop behavior.
What are bus route times?
Each child is assigned an approximate pick-up and drop off time. This time may change. The first week varies quite a bit. After the first two weeks, things settle down into a routine. Be aware that weather, road construction and traffic can alter times.
My child(ren) is eligible for transportation, how do I get them on a bus?
Once you have completed all of your enrollment paperwork the transportation office will contact you with your route information, bus number, and stop times. This process can take up to five business days and your child is not eligible to be on the bus until they are assigned to a bus and route.
If a student resides in a qualifying area, they will be automatically enrolled for bussing unless otherwise noted. No additional action is required upon enrollment for those families.
If specific transportation services are requested, the transportation office will contact each family with route information or necessary questions.
Bus information for the upcoming school year is sent to homes approximately two weeks before school starts and is accessible in Infinite Campus at that time.
Can my student ride home with a friend?
Students are only allowed to ride their assigned bus. A student will be sent back to the school office if they attempt to ride a bus other than their own.
My student needs to be picked up or dropped off at a daycare or secondary household. What do I do?
You will need to fill out an Alternate Address Transportation Application electronically. Once the form is submitted, it usually takes 2-3 days before the change goes into effect, so please do not wait until the last minute. This form must be filled out each year as it does not carry over. For shared custody circumstances, this form should be filled out by only one parent.
Can my child bike, skateboard or rollerblade to or in school?
Children are allowed to ride bicycles to and from school. Racks are provided for parking them on the lower level behind the school, but the school does not accept any responsibility for the bicycles. Please be aware of the following guidelines:
- All bicycles must be parked & locked in the racks provided for that purpose.
- All bicycles must be pushed - not ridden - whenever on the school grounds.
- Students are not allowed to ride bicycles during the school day.
- Students may not ride a bicycle belonging to another student.
- It is strongly recommended that children in grades K-2 do not ride bicycles to school.
- Violation of bicycle rules will result in the loss of bicycle riding privileges.
Also, for safety reasons, the use of roller shoes, skateboards and/or in-line skates are not allowed on school property. Walk bikes on school property.
Can parents/guardians ride the bus?
Parents/guardians may not ride the school bus. Drivers are instructed not to let unauthorized adults on the bus. This is for the protection of all students.
Are there tips for new students riding the bus?
BUS STOP: Show your child where the bus stop is and how to walk home from the bus stop. Show them from all possible directions. Students often become confused when they approach a stop from a different direction.
WRONG BUS: Teach your child to tell the bus driver if they believe they are on the wrong bus. Teach the student what to do if they get off at the wrong stop or if someone is not home when they arrive. Students should never attempt to walk to another area. Make sure your student knows they should walk directly home.
What should I do if my student will be absent from the bus?
If your student will not be riding the bus, please call 952-445-1166 in addition to the child's school attendance line. This is especially important if your child is the only student at the bus stop. Many bus routes become late because the driver is waiting for a student who is not at the bus stop on time.
What are the standard bus rules?
The following rules are posted in district school buses. Rules should be reviewed with children. They are important for student safety and maintaining bus-riding privileges.- Observe classroom conduct.
- Be courteous, use no profane language.
- Do not eat or drink on the bus.
- Keep the bus clean.
- Co-operate with the driver.
- Do not smoke.
- Do not damage bus or equipment.
- Stay in your seat.
- Keep head, hands and feet inside bus.
- Do not fight, push or shove.
- Do not tamper with bus equipment.
- Do not bring pets on the bus.
- Do not bring flammable material on the bus.
- The bus driver is authorized to assign seats.
- Have a safe trip.
Students receive bus cards when their behavior does not meet the above rules. The driver usually issues a card after several warnings.
- First Card: Talk with student and a letter is sent home
- Second Card: Three days off the bus
- Third Card: Two weeks off the bus
- Fourth Card: Off the bus for the rest of the school year
If a student has 60 school days without a bus card, they go back to their first card.
ITEMS NOT ALLOWED ON THE BUS: Guns (real or toy), knives/swords (real or toy), explosives, animals/insects (alive or dead), large projects, golf clubs, hockey sticks, sleds, skates, sleeping bags, Skateboards, aerosol cans (hair spray, cologne, perfume, breath spray), any object which could pose a hazard. Toys and show and tell items must remain in a student's backpack at all times while on the bus.
How is the distance to school determined?
The Transportation Department has a computerized mapping system that determines the distance to school for each student. If there is a question, a Transportation Staff member will measure the distance. The distance is calculated from the center of the street in front of the residence driveway to safest, most direct point that the student will enter the school's campus. The measurement does not include the resident's personal property, nor the schools property.
Why won't the bus come into our cul-de-sac?
Efficiency is paramount to our transportation system. Entering each cul-de-sac adds significant time to each route.
Minimizing bus stops reduce costs for fuel as well as wear and tear on the buses. Many cul-de-sacs are also not designed for large vehicles. A full-sized bus needs at least 115 feet to safely turn and most cul-de-sacs are 90 feet wide.
Backing a school bus is a dangerous maneuver and not recommended by the Minnesota State Highway Patrol.
Many neighborhoods use the cul-de-sac also acts as an extension of their yards. We do not want the driver to have to navigate parked cars, basketball hoops, boat trailers, and children's toys.