Scott County Library

Virtual Student Library Card

  • We are pleased to announce a partnership between the Shakopee Public Schools and the Scott County Library provides students in Shakopee Public Schools with a fine-free virtual library card. This collaboration, called the Virtual Student Library Card, ensures that public library resources can be a part of every student's learning experience.

    Students can benefit from access to the vast resources available through the public library, including online tutoring and homework help, research tools, eBooks, audiobooks, electronic magazines, language learning tools, and print books. This virtual card will also allow for the checkout of two physical library items.

    The partnership creates a bridge between school and community resources that may help broaden students’ understanding of the world, increase literacy, and provide additional structures of learning.  The school district provided MacBooks and iPads each student uses as a personal learning device, provides the ability to maximize use of the public library’s resources.

    The Virtual Student Library Card can be used both online and in library buildings, and will expire July 1st immediately following a student’s graduation.  Students are not assessed late fines with this card, but are responsible for costs that occur from lost or damaged physical items. Students who already have library cards may use either card to checkout materials from the library.  Please note that the Virtual Student Library Card card will provide students with the same access to the full Scott County Library as does a standard-issue library card.

    This opportunity is voluntary.  If students or families would like to opt-out of the Virtual Student Library Card Partnership between Shakopee Public Schools and Scott County Public Library, they can simply choose not to activate their accounts. They can also fill out the digital opt-out form at

    We are excited by all the ways this partnership benefits our students and their learning.  If you have any questions, please contact