Shakopee Learning Commons
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Need background or general information?
Looking for information from newspapers, magazines, & video sources, all in one place?
ProQuest U.S. Newsstream
ProQuest U.S. Newsstream includes U.S. news content as well as archives that stretch back into the 1980s.
Includes thousands of popular and scholarly publications across all academic disciplines and subject areas.
Explora Teen
Contains magazine, journal, and encyclopedia articles and also includes primary source documents, reference books, and multimedia.
Gale in Context: High School
Database of magazine and journal articles, primary source documents, reference materials, and audio/video sources.
Looking for persuasive information in a pro vs. con format??
Facts on File: Issues & Controversies
Articles that give students a thorough review of all sides of a topical issue. Log in with your Virtual Student Library Card.
Points of View Reference Center
Pro vs. con essays presenting multiple sides of current issues plus related magazine and newspaper articles.
Looking for information about a person?
Biography in Context
Biographical information about people, along with articles from newspapers and magazines about their lives. Log in with your Virtual Student Library Card.