AVID Binder

  • What is the purpose of the AVID binder? 
    Organization is an important skill in school, career and other aspects of daily life. The AVID binder is an organizational tool to help students maintain notes and school work in one place. Students are expected to maintain a binder, which has been provided to them along with all of the necessary items needed. They are expected to keep it organized using the AVID methods they have been taught.

    Students will be evaluated on organization and whether they have all of their materials for every class in their binder. The binder will be evaluated weekly during binder checks and taken as an assessment grade. Students should spend no more than 30 minutes each day organizing and completing their notes. 

    What should be in the AVID Binder? 
    Binders must be good quality 2-inch, 2 1/2-inch, or 3-inch three-ring binder with pocket inserts.
    Needed binder contents
    * Colored tab subject dividers to separate each academic class, including AVID
    * Pencil pouch to store supplies (three-hole punched, if possible)
    * Two or more pens
    * Two or more pencils
    * One or more highlighters
    * Filler paper 
    * Planner 
    Suggested binder contents
    * One or two clear sheet protectors (for paper with no holes punched in it)
    * Calculator
    * Blank TRFs (Tutorial Request Forms) ready to be filled when needed
    * Tips on note-taking and test-taking skills, tutorial guidelines, Costa's levels, or other AVID strategy sheets
    Binders should be organized in the following manner
    * Binder front cover
    * Pencil pouch
    * Binder grade sheet
    * Each subject divided by clearly labeled tab subject dividers
    It would be ideal to have notes, handouts, and other materials from a class in each tab arranged chronologically.
    All notes and handouts must have a date on them.