- Shakopee Public Schools
- Pearson Perspective Website
Pearson Perspective Website
Minnesota educators, students, and families can now access Pearson’s student and teacher enrichment resources through the Perspective website. http://mn.pearsonperspective.com/perspective/The Perspective system allows you to work with grade-level resources or individually targeted instructional resources based on student test results. It is intuitive and free of charge to Minnesota educators, students, and families. Quick Start help guides are available on the Perspective website.With Perspective, you can access resources that help students with the concepts they need to learn most:
- Accessing instructional materials that fit the students’ unique needs—including: thousands of media-rich learning activities linked to Minnesota standards, videos, and interactive and printable instructional and practice activities, and
- Accessing the Minnesota Academic Standards, Math and Science Frameworks and the English Language Arts Standards Implementation Toolkit
This fall each student will be provided their own individual Learning Locator based on the spring 2014 Minnesota Assessment System results. The Learning Locator code will lead directly to appropriate instructional resources linked to individual online content. Students and families will be able to directly access the resources by entering the Learning Locator code or teachers will be able to use each student’s Learning Locator code to create specific assignments as needed.
Access Pearson Perspective with or without a Learning Locator:Quick Start - 1 pageQuick Start - detailed guideFor questions on Perspective, you may contact the Pearson Help Desk at 888-817-8659 or MNHelp@support.pearson.com.