Test Dates
Score Reporting
Contact ACT
ACT Code Numbers for Colleges and Scholarship Agencies link
ACT College Readiness Benchmarks:
These indicate the score level that would indicate a student has a 50% chance of earning a B or 75% chance of earning a C in the corresponding freshmen college course.
Test Overview
Grade 11, ACT- test prep, practice and test descriptions:
Link ACT calculator policy:
Description and delivery date information for the types of ACT reports you will receive:
ACT Sample items
English: Overview and sample items link
Reading: Overview and sample items link
Science: Overview and sample items link
Preparing for the ACT Test: Link
Full-Length Practice Tests, including a Writing Test
Information about the Optional Writing Test
Strategies to Prepare for the Tests
What to Expect on Test Day
ACT standards
Knowledge and skills required to score at different levels. This resource does an excellent job showing by strand (English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing) the progression of knowledge and skills required to achieve a certain score. The documents includes links to suggestions for how to progress to the next scoring level. These are definitely worth a look!
ACT Administration Manual State and District Testing (Standard Time) Paper Testing: Link
ACT Administration Manual State and District Testing (Accommodations) Paper Testing: Link