- Shakopee Public Schools
- School Year Info
2024/25 School Year
The 2024/25 school year is here and this hub serves a resource for important links, dates and reminders.
Reminder: All families, with the exception of Kindergarten, must complete the annual update each school year. Emergency information is used for weather alerts, no school reminders and emergency notifications. These updates can be completed at anytime online in Infinite Campus.
Helpful Resources
2024/25 School Calendar
Click here to access the 2024/25 school year calendar.
School Pictures & Yearbooks
Lifetouch will have optional school photos available at each back-to-school event (i.e. Connect & Assess, Open House, Schedule Pick-Up) with retakes in the fall. Details are sent home to each family from their child's home school and includes a specific school code for ordering. For Pearson Early Learning Center, photos will be taken on October 7 and 8. Yearbook information is sent from your child's school and Josten's.
Free Early Childhood Screenings
Free early childhood screenings, which are required within 90 days of attending Stepping Stones Preschool and to enter Kindergarten, can be scheduled online here.
Elementary YMCA Before/After Care, No School Day Support
Click here for River Valley YMCA details or contact: McKenzie.Allard@ymcamn.org
New Student Registration
New to the district or need to complete enrollment paperwork? Please click here or visit the Welcome Center at 1200 Shakopee Town Square, Monday - Friday from 8:00AM - 4:00PM, call 952.697.8714 or email welcomecenter@shakopee.k12.mn.us for further assistance.