Student Handbooks
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Tokata Learning Center Student Handbook

The TLC mission is to facilitate high quality learning within a school community where…
Stories matter, vulnerability is invited, barriers are challenged, strengths are discovered and students are celebrated.
TLC recognizes that the journey to a high school diploma for many students is not a straight path. With the support of a well-trained staff, in a small, welcoming learning environment rich with self-directed learning options, TLC programming is designed to empower students to become independent, respectful and responsible learners on their journey towards graduation.
This page includes universal academic and student life procedures as well as student handbook resource links. Please refer to the General District Information section for additional handbook elements.
Academic Progress Expectations
The Tokata Learning Center emphasizes “effort” as a primary ingredient to school success. The TLC understands the internal and external barriers that often get in the way of school success and works hard to eliminate these barriers through connection, flexibility, and a variety of behavior and academic interventions.
In partnership with students and families, the TLC uses a continual learning plan (CLP) to guide students on their path to school success.
Students work with their advisors to set/meet academic goals. The base goal for each student is to complete 4 modules (equivalent to 1 credit) every progress term (approximately 3 weeks). Advisors monitor and communicate student progress with families at the end of each progress term. Students who do not meet their academic goal will be given intervention support. Students who do not meet their academic goal after receiving intervention support may be recommended for other program options, such as the TLC Bridge Program, Shakopee High School, or other area alternative programs.
Attendance Requirements & Considerations
Attendance Expectation: All students are expected to attend all of their scheduled classes every day on time (unless accommodations have been made on the student’s continual learning plan).
If a student is not able to attend school for any reason, a parent/guardian is expected to call the attendance line at 952-496-5984.
Attendance calls are sent to parents/guardians when prior notification to the secretary of an absence/tardy is not provided.
TLC Policies for Promoting Consistent Attendance:
Daily phone call home for students who are not present in school.
Daily phone call home for students who leave school early without permission.
Students who exhibit chronic absenteeism/tardiness will meet with a TLC staff member to create a student support plan.
Students who continue to exhibit chronic absenteeism or tardiness after receiving additional support may receive a modified schedule or be removed from the TLC Core Program.
Attendance for Students 18+
If a student is over 18 years of age and submits an 18+ waiver complete with a signature of a parent or guardian, the student may call themselves in if they are going to be absent or late, but administration reserves the right to contact a parent/guardian to verify any absence with the parent or guardian.
The Tokata Learning Center is a closed campus, meaning students may not leave the school (or if outside - supervised area) during the school day without permission from a TLC staff member. Students who leave campus without permission will be required to work in the R&R room for the remainder of the day. Students may also be dismissed if they violated additional school policies while off campus.
Students are not allowed to order food and have it delivered to the TLC because of the distraction it creates for school operations. Students who order food will be required to store it in the staff workroom until the end of the day.
Please notify the TLC if your student is going to miss any school. Our attendance phone number is: 952-496-5984 . This is not only important for accurate record keeping, but it is essential to help us identify what supports may be necessary to help students be successful at the TLC.
Behavior & Attendance Contracts
The TLC uses a contract system to support students who do not meet the behavior and attendance expectations of the TLC. Students may be placed on a contract when a student’s behavior(s) or attendance is adversely impacting the student’s academic progress or school climate. The terms and length of behavior and attendance contracts depend on individual circumstances.
Conference Dates
Save these conference dates:
- October 17th
- December 7th
- February 29th
- May 2nd
We welcome you to attend our family/teacher conferences each quarter to stay informed about your student’s school progress and experience. Conferences are held at the TLC from 3:30 - 7:30 PM.
Credit Requirements for Diploma
Students graduating from the Tokata Learning Center receive a Shakopee High School diploma. Due to differences in scope, size, and focus, students attending the Tokata Learning Center have different academic credit requirements than students attending Shakopee High School.
TLC courses are aligned to the Minnesota state standards and follow school district articulated curriculum guidelines.
The quality of education provided at the TLC is comparable to that provided at SHS. However, the emphasis TLC places on teacher-student relationships, smaller class sizes, block scheduling, personalized self-paced learning and academic power standards ensures that the education experience at TLC is different than at SHS.
The following types of instructional models are used to meet the different learning needs of TLC students:
Seat-Based Courses
Seat-based courses at the TLC are generally self-directed with most of the course work being facilitated on Canvas, the Shakopee School District’s learning management software.
Students receive a combination of individual, small group, and whole group instruction as they work through the course content at their own pace.
Students are allowed to work in their scheduled courses until completed, after which they are scheduled in new courses.
Flex Learning Options
Students have the option during their Flex period to participate in credit-bearing activities. Students are required to accumulate a total of 40 hours in a credit-bearing activity in order to earn 1 credit.
Since hours are accumulated over the course of a school year, Flex credits will not be transcribed until the end of the school year.
Please note: not all Flex activities are credit bearing. Students participating in an Open or Guided Study Hall do not accumulate hours toward a flex credit.
Credit Recovery
Students have the opportunity to complete more credits after the school day ends by taking a credit recovery course through our Edgenuity learning system (online, self-paced, digital curriculum) in our Independent Study Bridge Program.
Students interested in this option should contact the school counselor.
Grade Level & Credits
TLC students are enrolled in grade levels 9-12 based on credits earned, not based on the graduation year. This is a Minnesota state requirement for area learning centers that makes it easier for students to understand where they are in relation to graduating.
Grade 9-12 credits earned
Grade 10 12.25-24 credits earned
Grade 11 24.25-36 credits earned
Grade 12 36.25-48 credits earned
Grading & Credits
Below are the standard grading criteria at the TLC:
0-69% *
0-69% *
* ‘NY’ (“Not Yet”) grading allows teachers the flexibility to have students redo work that is not up to at least average (‘C’) standards, and to give extra time for completion as they feel is acceptable. Students who do not complete what they need to within the teacher’s established parameters and time frame will receive an ‘NC’ (no credit) for grades below 70%.
Credits are awarded at the completion of each course. Students who do not complete all of the content of course at the end of the school year are awarded partial credit and are scheduled to continue the remainder of their coursework the following year whenever possible.
Student Life
Students may participate in after-school activities at Shakopee High School with prior approval of the SHS principal. This includes dances, sports, clubs, and more. You must pay all applicable fees and submit required paperwork.
If you want to participate in a dance at SHS, you must be enrolled in 10th grade, notify the TLC secretary by Wednesday the week of the dance, and register guests from schools other than SHS or the TLC by Wednesday the week of the dance (see secretary for guest form).
Guests must be under 21 and at least in 10th grade.
If you or your guest is removed from the dance, you will both have to leave.
You and your guest must both have valid photo identification to enter the dance.
All other rules posted at SHS or indicated by SHS staff must be obeyed or you will be removed from the dance.
Lockers, Devices & Personal Items
The district cannot reimburse for stolen personal property, AND items left in lockers at the end of the school year will be donated to charity.
Under Minnesota law, school lockers are school district property. At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for students’ convenience. School officials may inspect the interior of lockers for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Students’ personal possessions within a school locker may be searched only when school officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law or school rules. As soon as practicable after the search of a student’s personal possessions, the school officials will provide notice of the search to students whose lockers were searched, unless disclosure would impede an ongoing investigation by police or school officials.
Students have access to all necessary learning technology through school issued devices. Cell phones and other handheld devices have the potential to be a significant distraction to the learning process and school environment. Therefore, Students who are not able to manage their device(s) - as determined by meeting academic goals and avoiding distracted/disruptive behavior - may be required to turn in their device(s) during the school day.
Respecting our Neighbors
The TLC is part of the Shakopee Town Square Mall community of tenants (e.g., businesses), patrons and guests. Therefore, TLC staff requires all students to:
Be respectful and courteous to all people in and around the mall at all times – even when school is not in session.
Obey all policies and requests of employees of the businesses in the mall and of the mall itself.
Take care of mall property. If you see garbage on the floor, put it in a wastebasket. If you make a mess, notify the secretary or a mall employee. If you see someone defacing the mall, call the police.
Students who engage in disruptive or criminal behavior in the mall community will be referred to law enforcement as well as discipline under District 720 policy.
TLC Student Survey
he TLC administers a school climate survey to all students every quarter. The purpose of the survey is to collect data regarding student engagement, academic expectations, student motivation, sense of belonging, and sense of autonomy. Data from the student survey is used to inform programmatic changes and identify students that may need additional school support. All students are expected to complete the survey each quarter. Parents/guardians can elect to opt their student out of taking the survey by notifying the TLC secretary or principal by phone or email.