Hall of Fame Class of 2013


    Hall of Fame








    Above: Bert and Bonnie Notermann, Pat Pass, Fred Coller (JoAnn Coller accepted the award posthumously for her husband), Farmer Marschall, Justin Kaufenberg, Antonia Felix, Jess Theis


    Antonia Antonia Felix, Class of 1976

    Antonia Felix (Toni Berg) is a New York Times bestselling author of 16 nonfiction books. Her biographies include Sonia Sotomayor and First Lady Laura Bush. Antonia is also a classically trained singer. She and her husband live in Minneapolis and started the Minnesota Concert Opera.


    Farmer Farmer Marschall, Class of 1965

    The name on his birth certificate is Duane but to everyone in Shakopee he’s Farmer. Farmer Marschall was instrumental in getting SACS built and is involved with Dollars for Scholars. Farmer owned and ran the Wayzata Amoco for more than 20 years.



    Justin Kaufenberg, Class of 1999 

     This young entrepreneur says we should not be afraid of failure. Sports Ngin, which he started with a friend, has grown in just 5 years from the two of them to more than 200 employees. The company provides technology to sports organizations.




    Jess Theis, Class of 1977  

    Jesse Theis is the Chief Operating Officer at Rahr Malting Plant. He is the “barley guru,” around the world. But Jess does much more than that. His dedication to the district was essential in the construction of the new high school. He moved his family so that the high school could be where it is today. He was also essential in starting the Environmental Learning Center, a project that’s near and dear to his heart. He’s also involved with Dollars for Scholars.

    Fred Fred Coller, Class of 1961

    Wife JoAnn Coller can’t talk about her husband being inducted into the Hall of Fame without struggling through tears. His death is still fresh. Fred Coller was instrumental in a lot of community projects but everyone says it was Fred who was the driving force behind Tahpah Park. JoAnn says he would never admit it but he made the park happen and said “he would be out there driving heavy equipment he didn’t even know how to run.”  He also worked on passing a referendum in the 1980’s.

    Pat Pass, Class of 1957

    Pat Pass
     is a vocal cheerleader for the Sabers tooting her red horn at games. But Pat’s involvement in the community proceeds that reputation. With a Parks & Rec. background, for years she organized a broomball tournament for high schoolers. She also worked to help start the Shakopee Coyotes and works with Dollars for Scholars. If you need a volunteer, Pat is always there and willing to dedicate her time.
    Bert and Bonnie Notermann, Friends of Shakopee Public Schools 

    Bert and Bonnie Notermann will be the “Friends of Shakopee Schools,” Hall of Fame recipient this year. Bonnie graduated from the high school. Bert did not. The couple is best known for “Lion’s Tap,” but they’ve also grown a reputation of giving back. They have been very active in the community and in our schools. Bert says they will never retire because they want to keep working so that they can keep giving back.