District Branding

  • Using our Logo  
    Using Our Logo

    A logo is an organization’s official identifying mark. It creates an image that firmly establishes the public’s initial perception of the organization. The logo is the most basic element in the application of a unified visual identity.

    As the logo identifies who Shakopee Public Schools is, the tagline identifies the essence of how the district approaches its mission – the district’s brand position. 

    Shakopee Public Schools’ logo consists of three parts: the logotype, the symbol, and the tagline. There are several different configurations and color combinations of the logo. Use this guide to determine the best logo for your particular need.

    Primary Logo         Secondary Logo
    Logo Configurations

    The primary logo shows the district name, tagline and swoosh. Use the primary logo whenever possible. The secondary logo is the same, but without the swoosh. 

    In some instances, there may not be enough room to use the primary logo, or you may wish to use the logo on a red or black background. In these circumstances, it is better to use the secondary logo.



    Using Color

    Color plays an important role in keeping all materials consistently recognizable. The Shakopee Public Schools logo is most commonly seen in Black and Pantone Red 032 or equivalents. These are the district’s official and most commonly used colors. 

    The rest of the color palette is meant to be used less often as accents, as needed, but never in the district logos.



    Using Type

    The Shakopee Public Schools style extends to the use of the preferred typeface options outlined above. Typography, used consistently, is one of the most important design elements in establishing a recognizable graphic identity. 

    Eurostile, Source Serif Pro, and Bryant Pro are attractive, functional, and versatile enough for use in a wide variety of applications. These fonts can be used for both printed and electronic communications.