Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) A & B is the starting point for students who are interested in becoming an engineer. See if you have what it takes to create the next great invention. In this class you will learn how to efficiently design solutions to problems, create the solution on the computer and compete against other groups to see whose solution is the best. If you are looking at getting ahead start on an engineering degree this class is a great opportunity, not only do you learn valuable skills you can also receive 3 credits to the University of Minnesota.
Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) 9A & 9B is a full year college level course giving students an overview of drafting principles and techniques used in industry today. Using AutoCAD, Inventor and other industry software, students will complete various mechanical drawings as well as three-dimensional objects. This course teaches problem solving skills using a design development process. Models of production solutions are created, analyzed, and communicated using a solid modeling three dimensional computer design software. If you are interested in becoming an engineer, this is a great opportunity.
If students pass the course at 85% for the year and the college final at 70% they are eligible for 3 college credits.