Civil Engineering & Architecture

  • Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Credits: SHS: 1 per semester (2 total yearly)
    College: Possible to earn 3 credits towards an engineering degree at over 70 colleges
    Prerequisite: None
    Fees: A lab fee may be assessed to cover the cost of extra materials
    Civil Engineering and Architecture is the study of the design and construction of residential and commercial building projects. The course includes an introduction to many of the varied factors involved in building design and construction including building components and systems, structural design, storm water management, site design, utilities and services, cost estimation, energy efficiency, and careers in the design and construction industry. This PLTW course allows you to earn 3 credits from the University of Minnesota.

    Unit 1: Overview of Civil Engineering and Architecture - In this unit students learn different styles of architecture, as well as when architecture began. Students also learn about what civil engineering means, a how it plays a role in their lives more than they think. The following are pictures of student examples of different architectural styles:

  • Unit 2: Residential Construction - In this unit students learn how to create a residential home, they are given different scenarios to complete this task, the following are examples of some student projects:

  • Unit 3: Commercial Applications - In this unit students learn how to renovate an already existing structure into a usable green friendly structure. The following are student pictures of this project:

  • Unit 4: Commercial Building Systems - The following pictures are from student presentations for Unit 4. In Unit 4 students are given a piece of land in town (Shakopee). The students then go through a process in which they find out what type of building they will be making, designing the building on 3D software, and coming up with a sales pitch:

Important Links for Class

  • The following programs are used in this class and are available for free download, click the links below: 

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