• Students who are enrolled in the Transportation Technologies Program of Study, will complete a three course sequence in which they will learn about what it takes to maintain, repair and operate a two stroke engine, as well how that knowledge can be applied to making motorcycles, four-wheelers, and snowmobiles run, students will then be able to take all knowledge obtained to create their own vehicle for the super mileage challenge.

    The three course sequence consists of Introduction, intermediate, and an advanced course. For the Transportation Technologies Program of Study students will work through the following sequence:


    Small Gas Engines


    Marine Motorsport, and Outdoor Power Equipment

    or Aerospace Engineering


    Super High Mileage Vehicle  

    Students who might enroll in this Program of Study would be interested in careers in the following fields: Aircraft Mechanic, Aeronautic Engineer, Technician, and many other various careers dealing with the transportation industry.

    Please feel free to view more information about each course located on the left hand side under the live links associated with each course.