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Household Resources
Clothing, Financial & Food
The RentHelpMN portal is now available to assist people with past due rent if they meet eligibility. Those who meet eligibility may also get assistance with future rent and utilities.
If you need assistance in filling out forms or help with the website, please reach out to the School Social Worker in your student's building. They are happy to assist.
Scott County CareerForce
Provides career lab services, job search, job leads, employment and training programs/resources, workshops and resume review.
Call 952-496-8310
Consumer Credit Services
Lutheran Social Services Financial and Consumer Credit Services provides budget, credit/debt, student loan and foreclosure prevention counseling online, in person or by telephone.
Call 888-577-2227
Project Community Connect
Due to COVID Project Community Connect was not held in person. There was a list provided about community resources available. Please connect with your School Social Worker to find out more information.
Internet Essentials
Internet Essentials is a program through Comcast which provides Internet service for $9.95/month plus tax. This rate will not increase; there is no activation fee and there are no equipment rental fees. This program is available for families who currently qualify for the school's free lunch program.
A low-cost computer is also available at initial enrollment for $149.99 plus tax. Free Internet training is also available online, in print or in person.
A family without the Internet is a home that's out of touch for children and parents alike. Help your family get ahead by learning more or applying for this affordable Internet service by visiting the link below or calling 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855-846-8376)
Fare For All
Fare For All is a cooperative food purchasing program that benefits everyone in a community. Families can save 50% on monthly groceries. There is no income eligibility and no need to register. Visit the website to find the location nearest to you (in Shakopee it is currently housed at New Creation Church across from Sweeney Elementary School) at 1053 Jefferson Street in Shakopee.Purchase the package that best meets your families' needs (regular pack, meat only pack or monthly specials). -
Loaves and Fishes
Loaves and Fishes offers free community meals from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at the St. John's Lutheran Church at 119 8th Avenue West in Shakopee. -
Scott County Community Development Agency
Provides support and assistance for those interested in homeownership as well as current homeowners experiencing difficulties (missing payments, possible foreclosure, changing interest rates, home equity, etc.). Support includes workshops, online courses and one-to-one expert advice. Telephone number is 952-402-9022 -
CAP Agency
Assistance with housing, energy/heat assistance, food shelf and thrift store. Located on Canterbury Road. Office number is
Energy Assistance eligibility can be found at Applications are accepted from October 1 to May 31. If you've previously received Energy Assistance, you will be mailed an application.
Energy Related Repair: funds are available to help correct "no heat" or malfunctioning heating systems for owner-occupied homes. Individuals must be eligible for Energy Assistance. Please call 651-322-3500 for more information.
Energy Crisis Assistance: Available for those receiving Energy Assistance and experiencing an emergency situation (disconnection, shut off notice or delivery of fuel for tanks below 20%. Please call 651-322-3500 for more information.
Additional Resources
Friendship Church in Prior Lake
17741 Fairlawn Avenue in Prior Lake
Drive through food distribution every month on the 2nd Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Contact for more information. -
River Valley YMCA Prior Lake
3575 North Berens Road NW in Prior Lake.
Free family meal package pick up and lunch bags.
Monday -Friday 12 to 1 p.m. -
Ruby's Pantry Food Distribution
Held at Glendale United Methodist Church once a month on Tuesday afternoons. The church is located at 13350 Glendale Road in Savage. Guests should bring $20 cash donation and two tote boxes/laundry baskets to carry their food.
Information for families experiencing homelessness
Families are considered homeless if the are not living in an apartment/house/trailer OR if they are doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship. The poster will let you know your rights within the schools. Please contact your school's social worker to better understand how we can support your student(s).
Second Harvest Heartland
Free surplus food and household products for lower income families on the second Thursday of the month at Friendship Church in Prior Lake (17741 Fairlawn Ave). Bring an ID and your own boxes or laundry basket to carry items. Call 952-447-8282 for more information.