Distance 2.0+ Elementary Information

  • Last updated: November 13, 2020

    Distance learning 2.0+ for Shakopee Elementary School IHD students is different than Spring 2020 in that students will have instruction 5 days a week within a block schedule. Each school/building will provide a specific student schedule. Instruction will include a daily schedule of live online meetings and online self-paced learning for all students. Live online sessions will be an opportunity to connect, build relationships and receive critical instruction. Examples include:

    • Discussion groups
    • Mini-lessons
    • Small groups (instruction/connections)
    • Whole groups (instruction)

    Schedule & Support

    An elementary sample student schedule can be found here

    A Spanish version of the sample student schedule can be found here.

    Teachers will post a daily online support schedule where students can check-in individually via Google meet, phone, or email.  Students will be scheduled for individual check-ins when needed.  

    Special education, English learners and 504 students will continue to receive services during distance learning.  Additional synchronous time may be offered to students who are English Learners, Special Education or Early Learners who may need more support to be successful in a Distance learning environment.  

    Some students will require more extensive support. Building teams will assist teachers in creating a plan to meet students’ needs.

    Examples (not-limited to): Homework help time (online meetings) scheduled daily; staff connected to specific students to support learning; teachers scheduling 1-1 google meets for students; and support staff that have a relationship with the student provides online support to the student daily (online meetings).  

  • Technology

    The online program will be Seesaw and Google Meet for online meetings.

    Student Attendance

    Teachers will report attendance in Infinite Campus by the end of each school day.

    Students will be marked present for any online engagement or direct interaction on a given day, such as:

    • Participation in a group meeting (online meetings)
    • Phone call or text message exchange between teacher and student or parent
    • Accessed Seesaw during the day
    • Completion of assignments